Listen: If you get a phone call, and the guy on the other line says something to the effect of, “Hey, it’s me, the Pope,” do not immediately hang up. It could actually be him!

This is exactly the grave sin recently committed by one Franco Rabuffi, the Vatican’s newspaper l’Osservatore Romano reports. Rabuffi, who was feeling sick this week, received a phone call Monday from Pope Francis to wish him well—except Rabuffi, lacking faith and believing the call a prank, hung up on the Pope. Twice.

It wasn’t until the Pope’s third call that Rabuffi finally realized that he was not being punked. “I was speechless, but Francis came to my rescue, saying that what happened was funny,” he told the paper, as translated by Sky News.

According to the BBC, Rabuffi and his wife asked for the Pope’s forgiveness for the mistake that may or may not have imperiled their eternal salvation in person on Wednesday.

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