Storage Wars' Brandi Passante Awarded a Paltry $750 from Hunter Moore

Brandi Passante, one of the professional trash pickers on the A&E faux-reality competition Storage Wars, sued our old pal Hunter Moore last fall after he posted a nude video online of a woman he claimed was the reality star. A California judge finally ruled on the suit after Moore defaulted, awarding the reality star. . . a whopping $750.
Moore, who earlier this year lost $250,000 in another legal assault from Bullyville's James McGibney, published the video last fall. On October 26, 2012, Passante filed a formal complaint, which coincidentally included this 2011 Gawker piece about the revenge pornographer as Exhibit B, demanding to have the defamatory video removed. That eventually happened. But along the way, Moore was issued a bench warrant and he famously responded to Passante's lawyer with an emailed dick pic.
In the suit, Passante, who's (common-law?) married to her onscreen rummaging partner, walking goatee Jarrod Schulz, claimed that the video's mistaken identity caused her "anxiety, loss of sleep, and physical illness." The damages she'd suffered were "incalculable," but in the absence of an incalculable sum, the complaint said she'd be willing to accept $2.5 million.
After Moore defaulted, Judge James Selna decided that although the Cable TV personality "has established liability, she had failed to establish entitlement to damages she seeks," and estimated her "incalculable" damages at $750.
Moore's only comment on the matter:

[Brandi Passante photo via Getty Images, Hunter Moore's redacted dick via public record]
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