Student Who Got an "F" For Alleged Cheating Is Suing Her School

A high school student who got an F in chemistry after she was accused of cheating on a test is suing the school district in an effort to reverse the punishment.
According to the Seattle P-I, a Renton, Wash., teen received the failing grade after her teacher found notes in her pencil pouch, which was within her reach during the test. She and her lawyer argue that she was never spotted looking at those notes, and the teacher jumped to conclusions by assuming she cheated.
The school board voted in September to let the girl out of the day of detention that came with her punishment, but decided the failing grade should stand, "upheld by a preponderance of the evidence submitted," the P-I reports.
Worried the F would hurt her college chances, the student lawyered up and is now asking the King County Superior Court to restore her previous grade. The Renton School District hasn't yet responded to the lawsuit.
[Photo: Shutterstock]