Well, they did the research, ran all the tests, modern technology, all of that. Turns out all those women weren't lying about people staring at their boobs. Huh.

Top science journal USA Today reports on the breakthrough findings of a new study out today in the journal Sex Roles, which you should subscribe to the study at once if you really care about academic research. They hooked men and women up with eye-tracking sensors and had them look at pictures of all types of women, and guess what (spoiler, for all of life in general): "Both sexes fixed their gaze more on women's chests and waists and less on faces. Those bodies with larger breasts, narrower waists and bigger hips often prompted longer looks."

Okay, you're "so sexy" that you already knew this, fine. By far the most amusing part of this story is this quote from the social psychologist Sarah Gervais, the study's lead author:

"Until now, we didn't have evidence people were actually doing that to women's bodies," she says. "We have women's self-reports, but this is some of the first work to document that people actually engage in this."

All women in history: they weren't lying after all. Huh.

[Photo: Shutterstock]