
Welcome to Gawker's New Men's Site: The Cuck

Alex Pareene · 08/10/16 03:20PM

Sex, dating, clothes, relationships, politics, sex, women—men have opinions about all of these things. And yet, there’s nowhere on the internet where you can go to read them. That changes today. Welcome to The Cuck, a pop-up, bespoke men’s site, for men.

Must Be Nice to Be a Man 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/13/16 09:10AM

Pictured: A group of reporters gathered outside Indiana governor Mike Pence’s house. Some of them look very comfortable!

Can Acronyms Save Masculinity? 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/16 09:10AM

“Men,” the less popular version of women, have shorter life spans, more violent tendencies, and less academic success. Are acronyms the solution to our national masculinity crisis?

Horndog Alabama Governor Got Taxpayer-Funded Helicopter Wallet Delivery After Fight With Wife

Andy Cush · 04/14/16 04:28PM

Robert Bentley, the most powerful breast man in Alabama, once had a state law enforcement helicopter deliver his wallet to him at his beach house after he accidentally left it at home, about 250 miles away. And why was the governor leaving the house in such a hurry in the first place? His wife, whom he was probably cheating on, was mad at him. The old ball and chain, am I right boys!!

This Is NOT What Locker Room Talk Is Like

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/16 10:26AM

Public Service Announcement: millions of men who have spent time in locker rooms wish to make it clear that the following is not an accurate account of male “locker-room talk.”

Bunch of Dudes to Decide If Utah Should Tax Tampons

Allie Jones · 02/10/16 09:35AM

The relatively conservative state of Utah will introduce to committee today a bill to remove taxes on tampons and other feminine products, following five other states that have recently nixed taxes on such goods. Unfortunately, the fate of the Utah bill rests in the hands of men.

Rich Men: Don't Get Roofied While Wearing Your Rolex

Andy Cush · 05/28/15 10:30AM

Hey big boy. Nice watch. It’s very hot. Is it yours? That’s nice. It’s real, right? Rolex? Wow. That is really nice. I bet there are some big strong arms attached to those big strong wrists of yours. Really nice girth. Really, really nice. Anyway—wanna get out of here? Someplace we can be alone?

Bad Frats: A Rolling Account of This Year's Fraternity Fuck-Ups

Jordan Sargent · 03/27/15 09:55AM

Fraternities in America have spent 2015 more or less acting as if the rules of law and decency do not apply to them. Of course, this is not without reason: for much of the last 200 or so years, our fraternities have been granted a unique pass that has treated their singular incubation of poisonous masculinity as a net positive for society.

The Real Thing

Chase Quinn · 02/21/15 02:00PM

Davis and I met at a book party. I was bored, aimlessly drinking. I came with an editor in the hopes of meeting other well-connected, writerly people. As I approached the cocktail table our eyes met on something vast and turbulent between us. I knew then, as if the future folded out in panels before my eyes, that this was illicit. Perhaps it was the smirk fixed to his ageless face or the puzzling sensation that we shared a secret. Before I knew it, we were shoulder to shoulder and he deftly extinguished all conversation until we stood alone in a ringing hiss of voices.

This Is the Worst Super Bowl Party Picture Ever Taken

Leah Finnegan · 02/02/15 10:05PM

Last night was the Super Bowl, I guess. I heard something about a shark and stopped asking questions. But then today I was reading some celebrity gossip blogs and one of my favorite bloggers noted that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon spent the Super Bowl together... at Jimmy Kimmel's house? With... Grantland editor Bill Simmons?!? And the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, one of whom tweeted the below picture, which is what I imagine the scene at the gates of Hell to look like?