
127 Hours Fan Retraces Aron Ralston's Steps, Survives 96 Hours After Leg-Shattering Fall

Seth Abramovitch · 09/25/11 08:37PM

There were many lessons you could have taken away from the movie 127 Hours, but if you had to boil it down to just one, it would probably be this: Never head out on a solo hiking trip to Utah's Canyonlands National Park without telling anyone. Well, Amos Wayne Richards, a 64-year-old from Concord, North Carolina, took away some different lessons entirely from 127 Hours. His lessons were all about the triumph of the human spirit and the fundamentality of man vs. nature and all that other spiritual crap that completely went out my ear the second James Franco sawed his arm off with a dull utility tool.

What if Jesse Eisenberg Had Auditioned for 127 Hours?

Preksha Kumar · 03/06/11 03:00PM

In this hilarious impression, an awkward and emotionless Jesse Eisenberg (FOD's Scott Gairdner) flatly announces that it won't take him 127 hours to get out. Granted the guy looks nothing like Jesse, but he's expertly-mastered the voice and nervous energy.

Now Is the Season for Prestige Picture Fatigue

Brian Moylan · 01/03/11 01:57PM

Fans of quality movies should love the winter since it's when the important prestige pictures—the movies vying for Oscars—litter the cineplex. But who wants to see one depressing movie after the next? It's way too much.

The Oscar Predictions You've Been Waiting For

Richard Lawson · 12/07/10 11:35AM

Well, it's that most wonderful time of the year again. No, not Christmas, the war against which we are fully waging. We mean Oscar season! Some early awards have been given out, so it's time to start the prediction game.

What Movie Scenes Are Too Gross for You to Watch?

Brian Moylan · 11/08/10 01:06PM

Yesterday I saw 127 Hours, a movie supposedly about James Franco cutting off his arm. I wouldn't know, though, since I couldn't watch a second of the amputation action. What things are too nasty for you to see on screen?

James Franco Is a Chronic Masturbator

Maureen O'Connor · 09/07/10 02:11PM

"I do masturbate a lot. I don't know why," James Franco tells the Hollywood Reporter, describing the rationale behind having a "four- or five-time day," which he apparently does with great frequency.