
Fox News Host Claims Network Ignored Her Sexual Harassment Complaints Against Roger Ailes

J.K. Trotter · 08/08/16 04:11PM

The sexual harassment allegations against former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes—the number of which seems to grow every day—have raised serious questions about whether Fox officials were aware of Ailes’ behavior toward female employees. The network has denied any knowledge among higher-ups. But according to Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine, at least three executives knew that Fox News host Andrea Tantaros had complained about Ailes’ sexually-charged comments toward her:

Here Is Twenty-First Century Fox's New Logo

John Cook · 05/09/13 01:40PM

Rupert Murdoch is thisclose to finally cleaving his entertainment properties from the dying, scandal-ridden newspaper side of the business. Today he announced a new logo: A pair of chopsticks on a plate? Two lasers streaking across a black sky? A broken saucer?