
White Supremacist Hacks Trayvon Martin's Email Account, Leaks Messages Online

Adrian Chen · 03/29/12 02:44PM

The racist smear campaign against Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teen shot to death last month in Florida, has reached a new level of ghoulishness. A white supremacist hacker says he's broken into Martin's email and social networking accounts, and leaked his private Facebook messages. We've been able to confirm that at least one email account that belonged to Martin was cracked.

Hasbro Crushes Dreams of Grown Men Who Love My Little Pony

Katie Notopoulos · 12/30/11 03:00PM

Forget SOPA. The biggest online intellectual property story last week was the shutdown of a website offering downloads of the cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which shook the burgeoning "brony" community to its core.

Bronies (bro+pony) are adult male fans of the new series launched in 2010 based on the classic ‘80s My Little Pony toy that [spoiler] your mom secretly threw out your collection of when you went to college.

If you think bronyism sounds like something only a serious pervert living in his mother's basement would be into, you're only about 30% correct. To address your immediate question: it's not ironic. It's nerdy guys who genuinely enjoy an animated series about ponies. The show has a legitimate appeal to older audiences—high production values, snappy dialog, and a heartwarming message. But the online fan culture of bronies grew out of 4chan, so they have a computer nerd vestigial tail of Mountain Dew, anime appreciation, chronic virginity, and cyberbullying.

Bronies have their own news sites, fan forums, and even a healthy amount of fan art of ponies doing unspeakable sexual acts on Tumblr. They've had real life meet-ups, and an upcoming BronyCon in New York will feature appearances by voice actors from the show.

4chan Gets a Taste of Its Own Medicine

Adrian Chen · 11/15/11 06:50PM

4chan, everyone's favorite pile of internet poop, has been mostly unavailable for the past two day due to a massive distributed denial-of-service attack. Hard to shed a tear for the 4channers, whose Anonymous denizens are pioneers of the DDoS.

Die, Facebook, Die

Adrian Chen · 10/26/11 03:46PM

More and more people are hating Facebook in increasingly effective ways, and for increasingly better reasons. Good times. Too bad it will probably do nothing to keep Facebook from transforming the internet into an unbearably bland prison-mall.

4Chan's Founder Is Right About Online Identity

Adrian Chen · 10/18/11 04:55PM

23-year-old 4chan founder Christopher Poole (aka "moot") has fashioned himself as a sort of anti-Mark Zuckerberg, favoring anonymity and a certain messiness to Facebook's domain of spotless white walls and sterile profile pics. He's made a stir again by directly attacking Facebook's approach to identity.

Internet Prankster Sends SWAT Team to Cyberbullying Expert's House

Adrian Chen · 07/25/11 02:55PM

Among the many, many people who irk the anarchic message board 4chan, cyberbullying expert Parry Aftab is one of the most consistently despised. So it's not surprising that an anonymous internet denizen sent a SWAT team to her New Jersey home this weekend.

Here's What 5 Million Posts on 4chan Look Like

Adrian Chen · 07/12/11 01:49PM

We're not going to actually show you five million 4chan posts, since we and all of you would likely be sent to prison for a long time. But here's a word cloud generated from 5,576,095 posts. (Click on the photo above to enlarge.)

4channers Are Vampires

Adrian Chen · 05/24/11 12:05PM

A study by grad students at MIT produced this chart describing the average activity on 4chan over a two-week span. Those familiar with the site will not be surprised that it really livens up in the off-hours.

4chan Takes Down Tumblr, Again

Adrian Chen · 05/09/11 03:35PM

Tumblr, the microblogging service for the hip and with-it, is currently down. It appears that hordes from the chaotic message board 4chan are to blame. Welcome to round two of the Tumblr-4chan war!

What Happened to Encyclopedia Dramatica?

Max Read · 04/16/11 12:35PM

Unofficial 4chan wiki Encyclopedia Dramatica, the user-authored repository of memes, racism and homophobia, is no more. It's been replaced by OhInternet, a much cleaner site with much less offensive content. We asked its founder: Is ED preparing to sell out?

What's 4chan Going to Do to Rebecca Black?

Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 01:00AM

Rebecca Black, star of the hugely popular and terrible "Friday" viral video, complained to The Daily Beast today about the mean things people are saying about her on the Internet: "Those hurtful comments really shocked me," she said. "At times, it feels like I'm being cyberbullied." And this was before 4chan launched "Operation Black Friday."

Andrew W.K. Apparently Crashed 4chan by Partying Too Hard

Max Read · 02/13/11 09:00PM

What's musician/party god Andrew W.K. doing for the Grammys? Crashing anarchic image-board 4chan by "partying too hard"—that is, hanging out and answering questions, apparently. W.K. popped by the site's music board /mu/ (bearing a site-standard identity-verifying photograph) and answered a few questions over two different threads, in the process slowing the whole site down and causing brief outages. The first one, which was locked is here; the second is here.