
7-11 Clerk Robbed, Stuffed in Freezer

Max Read · 10/23/11 04:53PM

Working at a 7-11 during a robbery is a pretty frightening and humiliating experience. Even more humiliating is when the robbers lock you in a freezer afterward.

Watch This 'Flash Mob' Loot a 7-11

Jeff Neumann · 08/16/11 06:50AM

Around three dozen young people got together on Saturday night in Germantown, Maryland and decided to casually walk into a 7-11 and loot the hell out of it. Local news reports are calling it a "flash mob" — a blanket term that's readily applied to any act of assholery by a group of teenagers in public — when really it's just shoplifting en masse. You can watch the other two parts of the video here and here. Personally, I like the guy who grabs the hat on his way out.

Forthcoming 7-11 Makes UES Residents Even More Cranky

Jessica · 10/19/05 09:54AM

7-Eleven continues its invasion of Manhattan, now plotting a second outpost at 84th Street and York Avenue. While our fascination with the macabre had us slightly atwitter over the first 7-Eleven, located at 23rd and Park, it seems that 7-11-2 is being greeted with less fascination and certainly no enthusiasm. Snippy neighborhood residents posted fliers protesting the forthcoming convenience barbarity, and huffy old ladies are speaking out: