Happy 9/11 From Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson

Ken Layne · 09/11/13 08:00AM

There are many iconic video moments from the horror of 9/11, but nobody said "we deserved it" as clearly as these two patriots, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. The TV duo immediately blamed the terrorist attacks on: the American Civil Liberties Union, the U.S. federal courts, the Christian God, pagans, abortionists, feminists, male and female homosexuals, and a liberal non-profit called People for the American Way.

Half-Naked Ivy League Prof Opens Quantum Physics Course with 9/11 Footage, Hitler

Max Read · 02/18/13 05:11PM

There is no (definitive) manual on How to Teach Quantum Physics, obviously, but one imagines that if such a manual existed it would likely recommend against opening your first lecture half-naked, curled into a fetal position while footage of Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and 9/11 play on the projector. And yet! Columbia professor Emlyn Hughes opened his Frontiers of Science—one of the Ivy League university's core classes—with just such a show. Here's how Columbia gossip blog Bwog describes it:

Hamilton Nolan · 12/07/12 01:12PM

By 2014, cell phone owners will be able to text 911 for help. I-A-M-L-O-S-I-N-G-B-L-O-O-[message ends].

PR Dummies: Remember 9/11 With Discount DJ Services

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/12 12:30PM

Public relations often involves the delicate art of tiptoeing around sensitive subjects in order to continue your ruthless and unceasing marketing activities. Fine. But it is not required that you incorporate these sensitive subjects into your ruthless marketing activities. This is PR Dummies. Remembering Ivy Lee, with a slight discount, every week.

The Hilariously Morbid 9/11 Art of Texas' Fourth Graders

Max Read · 09/13/12 03:16PM

What happens when you ask a bunch of eight-year-old kids to draw pictures of a horrific, scarring disaster that they not only lack the processing tools to understand but also happened three years before they were even born? You get drawings of stick figures jumping out of buildings with the caption "One-Way Ticket to Heaven."

As Other Networks Air 9/11 Moment of Silence, NBC Sticks with Kris Jenner Interview About Breast Implants

Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/11/12 01:18PM

Adding injury to insult this morning, NBC — the only Big Three network that didn't carry live coverage of the 8:46 AM moment of silence for victims of the 9/11 terror attacks — opted instead to stick with the Today show's Kris Jenner interview that covered such issues of national import as the new season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and the momager's breast augmentation surgery.

The New York Times' Juicy, Scoop-Filled 9/11 Op-Ed Is Neither Juicy Nor Full of Scoops

John Cook · 09/11/12 12:00PM

Kurt Eichenwald, the disgraced former New York Times reporter whose career went up in flames after he got caught secretly paying thousands of dollars to a child pornographer he wrote about, is on the comeback trail. Today he published an op-ed in the New York Times claiming to have evidence that the Bush Administration is guilty of "significantly more negligence" in ignoring 9/11 warning signs "than has been disclosed." That may be true, but save for a few interesting details, the evidence he presents has been in the public record for nearly a decade.