

Nick Denton · 01/31/08 05:13PM

Lifehacker, Jezebel, Gizmodo, and several other Gawker sites — are contenders in the 2008 Weblog Awards. (Which are going ahead, writers strike or not.) In total, the Gawker titles garnered 18 nominations, a record. And this is your last chance to vote.

Valleywag comments FAQ

Christine · 09/01/07 11:00AM

1. Who can leave comments on Valleywag?
Anyone who's auditioned successfully to become a commenter (see below) or anyone who's received an email invitation from us or a friend. The comment system is invitation-only because our editors want to spend more time providing new content and less time moderating comment threads.

Advertiser Tango

Jessica · 11/26/04 08:01AM

Special thanks to this week's advertisers, who help prevent split ends. Interested? More info here.

Advertiser Love Fest

Jessica · 11/12/04 09:40AM

Special thanks to this week's advertisers, whose support allows us to nurse all sorts of nasty habits. Interested? Info here.

Defamer Unmasked: Our Time Has Finally Come

mark · 11/04/04 02:29PM

As the NY Daily News' Lloyd Grove clumsily leaked this morning (in that lovable, misspelling-riddled, afterthought-ish way of his), Esquire magazine is revealing the secret of my incredibly mundane identity in its upcoming issue, after months of relatively pointless anonymity. And:

Advertiser Dry Hump

Jessica · 10/29/04 10:25AM

A special thanks to this week's sponsors, whose support paid for our elaborate, spangly Halloween costumes. Interested? More info here.

Advertiser Love Fest

Choire · 06/24/04 05:17PM

A quick thanks to this week's advertisers, who keep our interns in bikini waxes:
· The Graham Norton Effect: "Graham Norton's latest incarnation, filming out of New York every week. Starts tonight at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central."
· She Comes First: "The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman." [Ed. Note: Also known as the first book to ever have the title obscured on "The Today Show." Which one was the dirty word? She? First? Comes? V. v. confusing!]
Info on Gawker advertising here.

Gawker Launches 'Art of Speed'

Choire · 06/03/04 11:31AM

Today Gawker launches Art of Speed, a contract publishing blog in cooperation with Nike. Nike's Art of Speed project is composed of 15 short films made by up-and-coming filmmakers and artists, commissioned and selected by Nike. The website will run for a month, exploring the films, their creators, and the state of contemporary filmmaking and its technology.

Letter from the Guest Editor III: Going Underground

Gawker · 05/21/04 07:15PM

Thanks for tuning in everyone. Despite the server problems it was a real blast driving the ol' Gawker Buick up and down the avenue all week. If I didn't hit you or your loved ones, please sleep well knowing that I was at least aiming for ya. Also, I extend my apologies to anyone who wrote and I didn't get back to. There was a lot to handle. You can check out my regular daily stuff over at TheOtherPage.com. Goodnight.

Letter from the Guest Editor II: Gawker Asia Launches

Gawker · 05/20/04 01:28AM

Choire asked me to remind everyone that it is I, Andrew Krucoff, who is guest-editing Gawker this week. (I'm sure this was obvious by the change in tone and lack of insider or even outsider knowledge.) Also, I think Wonkette, Defamer, Gizmodo, and Fleshbot all take turns ass-fucking the mothership's server while I spend my day hours helpless, curled in a ball, and caged in bamboo. I have half the mind to post only from midnight to 6am covering updates on Asian financial markets. Bear with me people. Choire's back on Monday and the nightmare will be over soon. Thanks.

To Do: Don't Kill Bill

Gawker · 04/13/04 03:08PM

· Is Bill Murray your favorite actor? Wow, you are so edgy! Join the 93 million other hipsters who also worship him at BAM for screenings of Murray's best films followed by a chit-chat with Big Bill himself.
· Put on some clean underwear, because you will so be having sex after the Air show tonight at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
· Hear Will Rawls, Brian Nunez, and Nora Connor lecture about something eccentric and random at the Trampoline Hall lecture at the Slipper Room.

Happy Gawkerversary: Some Greatest Hits

Gawker · 12/18/03 07:01AM

If we were like those fancy media hags, we'd invite y'all to a ra-sha-sha Happy One Year Gawker Anniversary Party where everyone starts off scowling at each other but in a couple hours the receptionist ends up vomiting and then suddenly someone from the copy desk has his face between your thighs.

Happy Birthday, Gawker!

Gawker · 12/17/03 08:45AM

Who knew? Today is the one-year anniversary of Gawker. Look how far she's come! From a not-really-profitable twinkle in a silly millionaire playboy's eye to... oh. Derr... Never mind!

Please Tip Your Staff

Gawker · 12/04/03 08:39AM

I've been meaning to clarify a few things that come up fairly regularly in reader email. Particularly, I know it can be nerve-wracking emailing a bitchy, gossipy, snippy little rag like this. You probably think we have no morals or ethics. Well, you're almost right.