
Bill Clinton Just Runs Everyone Off the Road

Hamilton Nolan · 05/24/10 08:12AM

Bill Clinton, who is no longer the President, still gets a big old motorcade, which is a good thing, because he needs several extra vehicles around him to fend off the multiple slack-jawed civilians sideswiping him at every turn.

Boar-ed to Death

Max Read · 04/21/10 01:28AM

[The growing population of wild boars in Europe has led German car club ADAC to conduct crash tests on simulated animals. Video after the jump. Pic via ADAC]

How Can Anyone Survive This?

Richard Lawson · 02/18/10 10:10AM

In our continued series of Olympic investigations, pure in-depth sports analysis, we wonder today: How does the thing happening in the above picture not kill you? You're traveling 70mph and landing on ice. Plus: pointy things!

Guy Tries To Kick Down Fence, Fence Fights Back

Sergio Hernandez · 02/02/10 02:30PM

Showing off in front of frat guys is little more than a desperate need to prove one's hollow machismo. This guy tried to demonstrate by kicking down a fence. Too bad the fence knew exactly where to kick back.

Hot Air Balloon Wipes Out Crowd

Michael Jordan · 01/29/10 02:30PM

Here's a tip: if you're going to launch a hot air balloon, make sure it's actually in the air. Especially if you're going to fly over (and not into) crowds of people.

Nuclear Bomb Researchers Accidentally Blow Up Building

Adrian Chen · 12/23/09 09:01PM

Don't worry, it wasn't with a nuclear bomb! Last week, researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory accidentally blew up part of a building with "a gun which acts like a Civil War Cannon". Even crazier, in a way.

White Powder, Red Carpet

cityfile · 12/16/09 06:29PM

It's safe to say whoever did Nicole Kidman's makeup last night will never find work in this town again. [Us]

Goldman's Latest Mishap

cityfile · 11/30/09 09:55AM

Goldman Sachs just can't catch a break. The embattled bank faced another round of construction trouble over the weekend when glass panes atop of Goldman's new 43-story HQ on Vesey Street—the one Mayor Bloomberg described as one of the safest buildings in the city—rained down on the street below. No one was injured in the incident, but the shattered glass did disrupt traffic for two hours, quite possibly adding several thousand motorists to the list of people who now despise Goldman Sachs. [NYP]

Joe Biden Needs a Bicycle

cityfile · 11/18/09 03:30AM

If Joe Biden ever offers you a ride in his limo, politely decline and find another way to get where you're going. The vice president's motorcade was involved in a traffic accident late yesterday, his third in under a week. Biden was heading over to The Daily Show when one of the advance police cars in his motorcade crashed into a livery cab on 49th Street. Unlike his accident on Nov. 11, though, no one died this time around. While the unmarked cop car was a little worse for the wear, none of the cars' occupants were seriously injured. And the drama didn't prevent Biden from doing a smash-up job when he sat down with Jon Stewart either, so that's nice. [WCBS, NYDN]