Steven Tyler Still Unable to Stand Up Properly
Max Read · 10/25/11 06:16PMMan Cut Out of Toddler Swing After Nine-Hour Playground Nightmare
Seth Abramovitch · 10/25/11 12:17AMBuffalo Hit by Epidemic of People Crashing Into Buildings
Adrian Chen · 10/12/11 05:26PMHelicopter Crash in East River
Adrian Chen · 10/04/11 02:35PMUltralight Plane Crashes Into, Gets Stuck Inside, Ferris Wheel
Max Read · 10/01/11 08:43AM
Meanwhile, in Australia, an ultralight plane has flown—quite literally—into a ferris wheel, requiring the rescue of four people—the plane's two passengers and two kids who were on the ride. No one was hurt, except for anyone who might have been wanting to go on the ferris wheel and now will not be able to do so.
Woman Injured by Exploding Toilet
Brian Moylan · 09/28/11 02:00PMCome Out of Your Bunker, NASA's Falling Satellite Already Crashed
Max Read · 09/24/11 08:35AMArizona Man Gives the Best Description of a Car Crash Ever
Matt Cherette · 09/16/11 04:22AMA Phoenix man became trapped inside his SUV on Thursday after he lost control of the vehicle, causing it to roll over and strike a utility pole. In the process, the driver rear-ended another vehicle driven by a man named George Lindell, who later described the events to local Fox affiliate KSAZ-TV in this amazing interview that you must watch immediately. After all, "Reality hits you hard, bro." [MyFoxPhoenix; Thanks to Mike Byhoff for the tip]
Woman Killed By McDonald's Soda Fountain
Seth Abramovitch · 09/15/11 08:30PMWatch a Group of Bystanders Lift a Burning Car Off a Trapped Motorcyclist
Seth Abramovitch · 09/14/11 02:29AMThis two-minute video, taken by Utah State University videographer Chris Garff, provides more thrills, suspense, heroics, and stand-up-and-cheer elation than any movie Hollywood managed to fart out this summer. Watch in real time as a group of bystanders spots Brandon Wright beneath a car, his motorcycle in flames just inches a way. A half-dozen of them try to lift the 4,000 vehicle off of him, but it's too heavy. Then the crowd grows to a dozen, then larger still! Businessmen and businesswomen, construction workers, teenagers in backpacks, first responders, cops — they all just start appearing out of nowhere, and with all their might, they push, push, push! And the car budges! But it might explode at any moment! And then they drag Brandon out! It's absolutely amazing.
Explosion at Nuclear Plant in France Kills One, Injures Four
Seth Abramovitch · 09/13/11 03:01AMOne Worker's Mistake Caused Southwest Blackout
Jeff Neumann · 09/09/11 06:51AM
The massive power blackout that caused some 5 million people in Arizona, California and Mexico to lose electricity was apparently triggered by one person in Arizona. An Arizona Public Service Company worker "remov[ed] a piece of monitoring equipment," which set off a chain reaction across the region, according to the AP. More from APS:
Reese Witherspoon Hit by Car, Sustains 'Minor Injuries'
Max Read · 09/07/11 09:46PMMan Beheads Self in Domestic Dispute
Seth Abramovitch · 08/31/11 02:06AMPruning Shear Impalement: The Gruesome Photos
Seth Abramovitch · 08/31/11 12:58AMWoman Hits Moose With Car After Sister Hits Moose With Car
Lauri Apple · 08/29/11 11:08PM
The moose of Canada are stalking and haunting Connie Evirett and Yvonne Studley, two car-driving sisters from British Columbia. Last month Studley, 49, had a car accident involving one of the beasts; the melee left her in a coma, and the moose in a moose coffin. Then, while on the way to the hospital to visit her younger sister, 51-year-old Evirett had a moose/car accident of her own.
San Diego Beach Evacuated After Big Shark Sighting
Seth Abramovitch · 08/25/11 11:35PMMoth Flies Into Ear of Cardinals Outfielder
Seth Abramovitch · 08/23/11 11:51PM
In the same week that a Mets game was put on hold while center fielder Angel Pagan attended to a sudden and violent onslaught of loose stools, comes yet another unusual, game-disrupting incident in a Major League outfield: Cardinals left fielder Matt Holliday had to withdraw from Monday night's game because a moth flew into his ear.