
Ad networks ought be wary of Facebook's wild west

Nicholas Carlson · 11/12/07 02:42PM

Facebook calls its developer platform an ecosystem, but at this evolutionary stage it's more like primordial ooze. Full of shoddy apps and spammy monetization schemes, it's murky where advertisers can place their dollars without getting knee-deep in something nasty. A couple of weeks ago, we reported on Ad Chap, a new ad network devoted the platform. Well, over the weekend, Ad Chap had a few "issues," according to the company's blog.

Ad networks evolve from Facebook's primordial ooze

Nicholas Carlson · 10/30/07 01:19PM

Ignoring the perfectly good solution we cooked up in Valleywag Labs, AdBrite and Ad Chap went to market with products for Facebook applications yesterday. AdBrite cofounder Philip Kaplan told CNET that the company already powers the ads on popular apps such as iLike and Zombies. The program is supposed to help tailor those ads better for the social environment. Google is working to do the same thing for developers using AdSense on their apps. Ad Chap's service, itself a Facebook application, is entirely new. Why it's unlikely to work? Ad Chap charges advertisers per click, but doesn't offer any targeting. For right now, there's a proliferation of ad networks on Facebook, but we suspect Darwin will soon cull the herd.