
British Star's Adorable Elevator Flip Out

Ryan Tate · 02/03/09 09:41PM

It's little appreciated here in the States, but British comic Stephen Fry could be banned from British TV and movies for life for a diatribe like "arse, poo and widdle." [Guanabee]

President-Elect In Big-Mouthed Overeating Scandal

Ryan Tate · 01/06/09 07:21AM

In 2001, Barack Obama taped an episode of public TV restaurant-review show "Check Please." He admitted to pigging out on Johnny cakes, adorably, but then hogged the roundtable discussion. Arrogant.

Gayest GMA Moments Today

Ryan Tate · 12/29/08 08:43PM

Good Morning America was adorable this morning. And, judging by the dialog, still the gayest thing on the AM dial. Sam Champion and his highlighted lioness mane figured prominently, obvs.

Insanely Bloggy New Yorker Spells It '4ever'

Ryan Tate · 12/17/08 06:04AM

New Yorker editor David Remnick is badgering his writers to blog more, and to be more vicious/cutesy while they're at it, just like real bloggers! It's absolutely adorable.

Obama Kids, Biden Ma In Warming-Of-Hearts Landslide

Ryan Tate · 11/05/08 04:05AM

So apparently Obama rented an actual orchestra for his big victory speech? That sure added to the cinematic drama at Grant Park. And for those die-hard McCain supporters not softened up by Obama's dramatic speech, the president elect deviously called to the stage his impossibly cute, scene-stealing daughters, and then his VP Joe Biden walked his 90-year-old mom to the edge of the stage as if to say, "look, ma, I'm vice president!" This is clearly a White House that's going to play shameless hardball with the opposition. (Video after the jump.) One minor nit:

Olbermann Special Comments Now Regular... Comments

Ryan Tate · 10/21/08 03:08AM

The last days of the presidential campaign were about to make Keith Olbermann's head explode, what with the racism and Islamophobia and calls for death and so forth, so the MSNBC Countdown host is suspending the specialness of his special comments and just doing them every night until he feels like stopping. He knows he "frequently insisted he would never" do this, and he's sorry, but "I suspect this will be the first of nightly pieces, most shorter than this one, until further notice." In other words, the special comments will be regular for a special period, until they go back to being special, as they regularly are. (Olbermann explains in a video after the jump.)

Palin: Vote Ponies/Do You Think Todd Likes Me '08!

Pareene · 10/06/08 05:16PM

Ok, surely you've seen this somewhere today, right? Sarah Palin doodled on some paper back in 1996 when she was deciding to run for mayor and basically she is a 10-year-old girl. Or was still a 10-year-old girl in 1996. Now, adjusting for her slow development, she's clearly in her "bitchy teenager" stage which is why she keeps telling John McCain she wants to go to Michigan and disobeying his strict order not to bring up Jerimiah Wright all the time. [TNR/The Plank]

Movies Befuddle Times

Ryan Tate · 08/22/08 02:41AM

There's something adorable about how the Times mangles movie titles. This year's grisly Oscar Best Picture sounded much more approachable as Old Country For Old Men. Likewise, Tropical Thunder conjures visions of an action-adventure set perhaps in Cuba, not of a send-up comedy accused of trafficking in "vulgar" Jewish stereotypes. So far, none of the Times' big movie errors have made it into print. Perhaps the sleep-deprived, round-the-clock Web crew simply hasn't time for the luxury of movie screenings. Send those media soldiers out on some shore leave!

Cute Overload Dee Besh Uv Kitteh Media

Ryan Tate · 08/20/08 05:59AM

It appears that the website Cute Overload is becoming a plushie-fueled media empire, judging by the story in the Times this morning. The Cute Overload calendar sold out on Amazon within 24 hours, advertising to its overwhelmingly female audience can cost $2,000 per week and the site claims 88,000 unique visitors daily, "about the same as the political gossip blog Wonkette." The Times says the site is a respite from the "vicious gossip" elsewhere (ahem) but really it's pretty much a respite from anything, up to and including all the bad news in the morning newspaper. It won't be long before a bitter laid-off reporter points the finger at Overload and all the other LOL-ish animal internet media for taking away his livelihood. And then perhaps he'll make it his mission to uncover the hidden truth about why Winston is such an angry widdle kitteh! [Times]

08-08-08 Very Special To Certain Times Reporter!

Ryan Tate · 08/08/08 05:44AM

If you see the Times' Jennifer 8. Lee today, ask her for a special blessing, or just to touch you, because this is probably her luckiest day since, like, August 8, 1988. But get in line, because everyone wants a piece of her! "Supposedly, I will be part of a segment that will air on 08/08/08 @ 8:08 a.m. as part of the Today show. (Guess why)." Also, Lee has three radio segments. Don't be L8! [Jennifer 8. Lee] (Photo by Jennifer 8. Lee via New York)

Anderson Cooper Tired Of Bear Jokes

Ryan Tate · 07/17/08 12:32AM

When dreamboat CNN anchor Anderson Cooper found footage of an adorable younger bear for his show in April, he couldn't get enough of the "cute" and "cuddly" creature. But tonight, after AC360 co-host Erica Hill narrated footage of an older, larger bear, Cooper seemed to get a little grizzly, asking "What is with this program and bears?" Why, only your bread and butter and honey, Anderson! The bedrock of your credibility! What happened to being the "most trusted name in bears?" It's summertime, these guys will be out in force, and there's no going back now. Besides, Hill has a killer merchandising idea, click the thumbnail at left for details. It's only a few more months, that shouldn't be too much to b... well, ya, you get the idea.