
Nike's New Ad Puts Tiger in His Place

Etan Berkowitz · 04/08/10 10:42AM

Tiger Woods has been a magnet for insults, parody and embarrassment the past few weeks, and rightly so. In Nike's new ad, it's their turn to take a jab at their sponsored sports hero with Tiger's dad, Earl Woods, leading the onslaught.

2010: The Year Without an Original Super Bowl Commercial

Mike Byhoff · 02/08/10 10:35AM

While you were busy consuming your weight in nachos, we were busy rounding up the most memorable commercials of the night, for better or worse. And you know what we noticed? We'd seen all of them before.

Money-Grubbing New York Senator Invades Kentucky, Builds Museum For Hippies

Pareene · 10/21/08 05:01PM

Hey, is this Mitch McConnell campaign ad a little odd, or is it just us? Mitch is a Senator running for reelection. Schumer is a Senator too. So far, so good. But the thing is, McConnell is running in Kentucky, and Schumer is not running in Kentucky. So it's just weird that McConnell's ad would be all about how this NEW YORK Senator is spending all this MONEY on building museums for hippies, and illegal immigrants, and also presumably shining his diamond collection. Also the voice over guy... his accent is a bit... ethnic. Just what is Mitch McConnell trying to suggest, exactly? Can anyone enlighten us??? Full ad after the jump.

Obama Ad: You Are Too George W. Bush

Pareene · 10/16/08 12:58PM

Gee, it's almost like Barack Obama's campaign predicted McCain would distance himself from President Bush at last night's debate! How else could they have put together this clever ad refuting McCain's crazy claim that he's not George W. Bush? More importantly: they highlighted all the mugging and blinking because that's the important message here. They're very good, right? [via Radosh]

Fox To Making Sense: Drop Dead

Pareene · 08/25/08 11:44AM

Hah. So CNN rearranged its national bureaus, leaving fewer reporters in their main bureaus and shipping staffers off to smaller cities to, ostensibly, provide more coverage of more cities at a lower cost. Many former Chicago reporters now find themselves reporting full-time from terrible places like Columbus and Minneapolis. So, according to Fox News, that means CNN HATES CHICAGO. They took out a totally fair and balanced full-page ad in the Chicago Tribune about this! News Corp properties are always so IN YOUR FACE about their competitors, right? How far are we from the Wall Street Journal hiring someone to climb the Times building and unfurl a banner that says, like, "Pinch Sulzberger's a Pussy"? [TVNewser]

Windmills Will Win the Election!

Pareene · 08/11/08 12:59PM

Kinda spooky crane shots through futuristic windfarms are the new adorable little girls sleeping at 3 a.m.. Or puppies, maybe. Both Barack Obama and John McCain used the same damn shot in recent ads, suggesting that their energy policies are both based on pissing off Ted Kennedy and his neighbors. They really ought to have someone vet stock footage, right? Our own Richard Blakeley spotted the matching footage and put together the damning clip that will swing this election to Ron Paul. Paul only uses fiercely independent stock footage the mainstream media are too scared to show you.

Bold Starz Campaign Insists You Will Hate The Lindsay Lohan Film Airing Saturday

STV · 06/12/08 11:00AM

There's no denying Lindsay Lohan's "thriller" I Know Who Killed Me was among the most critically and commercially reviled B-movies of last year — of any year, really. But now that IKWKM is approaching cable oblivion with its premiere June 14 on Starz, we doubt our inbox has ever seen a publicity campaign this wonderfully defensive or reactionary — almost Warholesque in its celebration of its own product's awfulness, proudly emphasizing its Razzie Award cred and critical pull quotes exhorting viewers to check out "a disaster that exerts a perverse fascination" (Variety) or "the monumental trashiness of this mess" (NY Daily News).

John McCain Thinks You Pay Too Much For Your Mortgage (And You're a Terrorist)

Pareene · 06/09/08 02:42PM

This is a 100% real banner ad running on the website of the spiritual home of unreconstructed Old Leftists The Nation. It is an obvious, slimy, and desperate attempt to link Barack Obama to nutty Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And it is paid for by John McCain 2008. First we thought this was the stupidest ad buy ever, as if any Nation reader would ever vote for McCain. Then we remembered that The Nation is read by lots of Jews. Then we clicked on "no" and WON A FREE IPOD!! [The Nation]