
Pure America: Meet the Only Three Zip Codes Without Any Ashley Madison Users

Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/25/15 08:25AM

Earlier this week, 37 million profiles registered with adultery website were made public. The hack, if nothing else, proved one thing: Everywhere you look, there are aspiring adulterers willing to pay a monthly fee for the option of cheating on their spouse. Everywhere you look, unless, of course, you live in one of the three zip codes in America that have zero Ashley Madison users.

Cheaters' Late Night Office Bone Entertains Pub Across the Street

Aleksander Chan · 02/04/15 01:27PM

Two employees of Christchurch, New Zealand insurance company Marsh, Ltd., engaged in an affair and in the throes of passion, started having sex in their office last Friday night. They apparently thought the building's tinted windows prevented others from seeing inside their well-lit sexscape. They were wrong.

Maggie Lange · 09/08/13 04:45PM

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. kept a diary, in which he detailed his affairs with nearly three dozen women. The New York Post notes that there is a lawyer, an environmental activist, and "at least one woman married to a famous actor" in the list. RFK Jr. had a good plan in which writing down his "lust demons" would keep them safe from public knowledge.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Still Talking About Being a Bad, Bad Man

Louis Peitzman · 10/01/12 10:19PM

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is in the middle of his "I Got the Maid Pregnant and Wrote a Book About It" press tour, during which he's been candid with interviewers about his inner turmoil. (Yes, when your wife starts asking about your illegitimate son, things get rocky.)

Nuclear Sub Commander Decides to Fake His Death to End His Affair, Naturally

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/12 04:20PM

Married 43 year-old Navy nuclear submarine commander Michael Ward was having a little affair with a younger woman that he met online. These situations are a bit tricky to navigate, as you can imagine. How did Michael Ward extricate himself from it, when he was ready to end the affair? The old fashioned way: he "sent his mistress an email from a fictitious person named Bob in July, posing as a co-worker and saying that Ward had died unexpectedly."

Literary Cad Also Lied About Having Sex With His Students in GQ

Maureen O'Connor · 02/16/12 05:44PM

Turns out Sam Kashner, the Vanity Fair contributing editor currently embroiled in a literary cheating scandal, has been accused of erotic deceit before. During his one-year tenure as a William & Mary English professor, Kashner wrote an ostensibly non-fiction bodice-ripper about sex with undergrads. The campus responded with outrage: Nobody believed Kashner could have tapped that much ass.