
Robert Kessler · 01/11/13 03:15PM

After meeting with Afghan President Karzai, President Obama announced US troops will move to a support role this spring.

ABC News White House Correspondent Jake Tapper Is Here to Talk About His New Afghan War Book, The Outpost

John Cook · 11/20/12 01:45PM

This web site, myself included, has been frequently unkind and occasionally unfair to ABC News White House correspondent Jake Tapper over the years. So allow me to recant, sort of: Over the course of the last election campaign, Tapper has been among the least obnoxious mainstream-media voices in the Washington bubble. His brief stint filling in as host of This Week was the best thing to happen to that show in years (and I nominated him as its permanent host). But more important, he has written an excellent, unsparing new book about the tragic mindlessness of the war in Afghanistan and the lives of the men and women tasked with waging it.

Mitt Romney Fails to Meet His War Word Quota

Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/11/12 02:00PM

It's that special time of year again, where we remember troops and solemnify 9/11, instead of reducing the whole of our overseas conflicts and anti-terror policy to some D-grade Seinfeldism about airport check-ins, taking our shoes off and whaaaat is the deeeaal with mini-shampoo bottles.

Remember Afghanistan?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/12 11:25AM

Taxes. Deficits. Unemployment. Wall Street. Abortion. Gaffes. Jokes. Fashion. Sports. All of these things are being given more attention in America right now, by our presidential candidates and our media and ourselves, than a place called Afghanistan. Remember that place?

Video: Taliban Members Shoot Cowering Woman 9 Times

Leah Beckmann · 07/09/12 10:38AM

A woman was shot nine times in front of a cheering crowd in Afghanistan in what was called "an honor killing." The Taliban soldiers present in the video had allegedly had some kind of "dispute" with the woman, and, according to the governor of the province, Abdul Basir Salangi, accused her of adultery "in order to save face."

The Longest Day: How to Spend Your Memorial Day Weekend on Netflix

Louis Peitzman · 05/27/12 02:52PM

For many of us, Memorial Day means two things: sleeping in and not getting mail. But in the spirit of commemorating fallen soldiers, wouldn't it be appropriate to watch some heavy war films and remember the sacrifices made by our troops? Plus, with endless streaming movie options, you don't even have to leave the house to do it.

Winning the War Against Yesterday: Mike O'Hanlon's Afghan Mad Libs

Mobutu Sese Seko · 04/20/12 12:15PM

Eight days ago, the Wall Street Journal published another column promising a "stable Afghanistan" from the Brookings Institution's Michael O'Hanlon. It might as well have been assembled by playing Powerball. O'Hanlon cranks the hopper, opens the little cage and out comes another bromide: "Closer"! "Accomplishing"! "Goals"! "Exit Strategy"!

Now We All Agree the Afghan War Was Not Worth Fighting

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/12 11:02AM

For the first time since we invaded Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11, a majority of Republicans say that the war was not worth fighting. Even the superpatriots, the military do-or-die-ers, the America Firsters, the my-country-right-or-wrong crowd, have come to the conclusion that this war should never have happened. They're right.

U.S. Pays $860,000 to Families of Afghan Victims

Louis Peitzman · 03/25/12 09:33AM

The United States handed over a total of $860,000 to the families of those killed or injured in Sgt. Robert Bales' shooting rampage: $50,000 for each person killed, and $10,000 for each person wounded. Col. Gary Kolb, spokesperson for NATO's International Security Force, said the money was to help the victims and their families, and not compensation for Bales' actions.

'Kill Team' Ringleader Convicted of Murder

Seth Abramovitch · 11/11/11 01:58AM

It took the court martial jury four hours to find Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs guilty of murder in connection with the infamous "kill team" — a rogue Army unit that murdered unarmed Afghans, including a teenager, for sport.

Stephen Colbert Defends Bill O'Reilly Against Evil Book-Burning Troops

Matt Cherette · 10/21/11 01:55AM

Under the guise of a program called "Books for the Troops," Bill O'Reilly strong-arms viewers into buying his latest bestseller by promising to send a copy of each one sold to American soldiers serving overseas. Of course, that doesn't mean the troops actually want the books, as we learned Wednesday when one serviceman in Afghanistan posted a photo online of scores of O'Reilly's Pinheads & Patriots burning in a trash bin. How rude! Thankfully, Stephen Colbert was at attention on tonight's Report to set the pinheaded troops straight.

Clinton, Karzai Laugh at Herman Cain's Silly Talk

Jim Newell · 10/20/11 11:58AM

In another disturbing confirmation that, yes, the rest of the world is watching, Afghan President Hamid Karzai appears to have caught that clip of Herman Cain dismissing "insignificant" countries like "Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan" as things that aren't worth learning about. He even got Hillary Clinton to bring it up during their latest meeting, to share a laugh. "That wasn't right, but anyway, that's how politics are," Karzai empathized.