
Levi Johnston's Sister Has a Great New Comedy Blog

Jim Newell · 06/16/10 03:01PM

Levi Johnston has successfully marketed his "brand" after impregnating Bristol Palin. But what of his sister, Mercede, who impregnated no one? When will somebody pay her for being tangentially news-related? Soon, probably, now that she has a funny blog.

Joe McGinniss Says He is Not Spying on Sarah Palin

Ravi Somaiya · 05/29/10 11:37AM

The author moved in next door to the Palins, as part of his research for a book on Sarah. Wasilliness ensued — she built a giant fence and accused him of spying on her kids. He says that's ridiculous.

The Senator Fighting for the Rights of Big Oil

Ravi Somaiya · 05/14/10 03:51PM

Sarah Palin may have competition for the worst politician in Alaska. Meet Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski: She single-handedly blocked a measure to raise the amount of money oil companies are liable for in an oil spill.

Deadliest Catch Employee Trapped in Giant Drug Sting

Brian Moylan · 05/07/10 10:49AM

Matthew Schneider, a 22-year-old production manager who worked on the show, is one of many charged in a drug bust in Alaskan fishing center Unalaska. He is still on the run, and he's implicated other show employees of drug running.

Palin Becomes a Birther as Revenge Unto Those Who Doubted Trig

Maureen O'Connor · 12/04/09 02:12AM

In a radio interview, Palin endorsed those who question Obama's national origin. Her rationale? "That weird conspiracy freak thing that Trig isn't my real son." Those jerks wanted to see Trig's birth certificate—now she must see Obama's.