
Andy Rooney's College Roommate (Almost) Drops Dead at His Memorial Service

Brian Moylan · 11/09/11 05:38PM

Andy Rooney's college roommate, Bob Ruthman, died of a heart attack today while attending the 60 Minutes staple's memorial luncheon at the Century Club in Manhattan. They lived together at Colgate University in the '40s. When you have a bunch of 90 year-olds hanging out together, this is probably a statistical inevitability. And with that, the last two remaining members of the Colgate Class of '43 went out in style.

Andy Rooney Dead at 92, One Month After Retiring

Max Read · 11/05/11 07:38AM

Never retire: almost six weeks to the day after delivering his last cranky essay on 60 Minutes, writer and commentator Andy Rooney is dead of complications following minor surgery. He was 92, and had delivered exactly 1,097 of his trademark on-air bitch sessions.

Bill O'Reilly's Elevator Showdown with Andy Rooney

Matt Cherette · 10/03/11 09:52PM

Since Andy Rooney's final "Here's what I hate this week!" 60 Minutes segment aired last night, fans of the curmudgeonly old coot must look elsewhere (e.g. Curb Your Enthusiasm) for grouchy inspiration. Or they could just watch this clip of Bill O'Reilly telling a story tonight about the time he found himself in an elevator with Rooney, who he'd never met, and whose first words to him were, "You'll never make it." Because obviously.

Andy Rooney Says Goodbye to 60 Minutes

Matt Cherette · 10/02/11 07:40PM

With his normally cluttered desk wiped clean and his hair slicked back—his eyebrows, however, roamed free—curmudgeonly commentator Andy Rooney signed off from 60 Minutes tonight. In his final show-ending segment, the 92-year-old said he is and will always be a writer before anything else, apologized for the (very few) times he's been wrong, and reminded us that we should never, ever approach him in a restaurant.

Andy Rooney Is Finally Done Talking

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/11 04:35PM

Momentously eyebrowed useless old crank Andy Rooney has finally said enough. Just a day after CBS announced that the befuddled nonagenarian would return to his slot on 60 Minutes next week, they're announcing that next week will be Rooney's last appearance on the show. He's been there since 1978. About fucking time.

Andy Rooney Will Complain Until the Bitter End

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/11 02:51PM

In your magical Monday media column: Andy Rooney lives, Patch is a hard gig, Menupages sells for millions, Julian Assange lives the country life, and David Gergen lives getting naked with George Clooney.

Andy Rooney Hates E-Books

Matt Cherette · 03/06/11 08:55PM

It had been a little while since 60 Minutes had graced us with a show-ending Andy Rooney segment, but tonight, everyone's favorite senile curmudgeon was back—and complaining about something, naturally. Tonight's victim? The confusing, evil, soul-destroying e-book!

Andy Rooney Likes to Point Out Others' Mistakes

Matt Cherette · 01/09/11 10:24PM

On tonight's 60 Minutes, Andy Rooney tackled a story about a Virginia history textbook that was revealed to contain 140 mistakes. Then, Rooney bragged about all the books he's written. Then, he again criticized the aforementioned author. The video, inside.

Andy Rooney Hates Surveys

Matt Cherette · 11/14/10 08:27PM

Last week, 60 Minutes was boring. Why? Because there was no Andy Rooney! Luckily for us, though, Rooney was back tonight with a nonsensical rant about how much he hates surveys—even though he constantly reads them. Watch inside.

Andy Rooney Hates Fans, Fan Mail

Matt Cherette · 10/17/10 07:28PM

On this week's edition of, "Andy Rooney Talks About Things That He Hates," we have this: Rooney goes through fan mail, and then criticizes the people who wrote him letters! He also says that he will never shave his eyebrows.