
abalk · 08/24/07 11:47AM

Did fiery polemicist Ann Coulter, 46, have a rack enhancement? She didn't get those things from eating, that's for sure. [Cityrag, via]

Google undresses its politics with revealing photos

Tim Faulkner · 08/13/07 12:29PM

Tech gadfly David Cassel was surprised when a Google search of "Michelle Malkin," the Asian-American Ann Coulter, displayed images of the shrill female commentator in a bikini. Full disclosure: One of them was a faked image that ran on sister site Gawker. Surely an aberration as the search engine experiments with including images and videos right on the main search results page? Ah, but a search for the original Ann Coulter, too, displayed bikini shots (also faked). What about male conservative commentators? Jeff Gannon, questioned for his White House press-conference softballs and exposed for posting nude photographs to gay escort sites, unsurprisingly, appears ... exposed. And on the left?

abalk · 07/02/07 09:27AM

"A lot of Americans would have loved to have been in the position that Elizabeth Edwards was in because they wanted to stick it to Ann Coulter for a long time." (Obligatory: Ann Coulter is 46.) [CNN]

ThemTube: Sleeping With The McLaughlin Group

Choire · 03/12/07 03:10PM

While the rest of us are drinking and snoozing, the television is trying to transmit important information into our homes. Today, our special correspondent for T.V. punditry catches us up on the Sunday chat shows. Because we totally wouldn't watch that shit if you paid us. Get your tinfoil hats on!

Media Bubble: Go To Zell

abalk2 · 03/07/07 09:51AM
  • Real estate magnate Sam Zell will probably buy Tribune, which would be nice because it'll finally put an end to this fucking story. [LAT]

Right-Wing Hero Has Porn Past, Claim Gays

Doree Shafrir · 03/06/07 01:05PM

Matt Sanchez, a 36-year-old Columbia student and Marine Corps reservist, has been appearing on all sorts of conservative talk shows like the O'Reilly Factor and Hannity & Colmes, whining about being mocked for military service by those lefties up at Columbia. And then Sanchez was feted at the CPAC conference— the one where Ann Coulter made her "faggot" remark. That must have been a weird experience, since all the gays have now fingered him as a former gay porn star. (Well, we told you Ann was a huge fag hag!)

Ann Coulter, 46, Major Fag Hag

Choire · 03/05/07 10:09AM

So, yes, we've seen the now-infamous video of Ann Coulter calling John Edwards a faggot. We didn't get too riled up at first, because we thought she kind of had a good point! (Kidding, kidding.) Really, we didn't think too much of it, just because ol' Annie has spent the better part of her life in the company of homosexuals. After years of standing by her gays—and what right-wing woman hasn't done time with a gaggle of sniping queens? Hello, Nancy Reagan?—we figure Ann has basically earned the right to reclaim "faggot" all on her own. Unfortunately, she's lost just about all of her girl-gang by now. (She's alienated pretty much all the straight friends by now, for that matter.) But now who will hold her long luxurious hair back during those long nights vomiting after too many tequilas? Now who'll drive around with her in South Beach with the top down, screaming into the hot breeze the important early work of Madonna? Really, it's just all too sad to consider.

Sean Delonas Finally Recognized, Awarded For Special Talents

abalk2 · 01/15/07 02:10PM

We're a little late on this one, but we do like to mention friends of the site whenever they've done something of note. So we want to congratulate our good pal Sean Delonas, who was named one of GLAAD's "2006 Anti-Gay Defamation Offenders." Delonas shares the honor with virulent homophobe James Dobson and columnist Ann Coulter, 46. Congratulations, Sean! Let's keep reaching for that rainbow in 2007!

Happy 46th Birthday, Ann Coulter!

abalk2 · 12/08/06 08:40AM

We want to take a brief moment out of our hectic day to celebrate a very important milestone in the life of one of our favorite people: Today marks the 46th birthday of cadaverous acrimony-dispenser Ann Coulter. Coulter, 46, has been a bit quiet of late, perhaps busy reflecting on her own mortality and how, when her end finally comes, all she will have contributed to this world is a legacy of poorly-argued calumny and the suggestion that 9/11 widows blew up the towers themselves for the insurance money (or maybe she's just busy allegedly plagiarizing other people's material for her next book, Assfuckers: How Clinton and Gore Had a Secret Gay Relationship With Osama and Saddam), but in any event, we miss you, Ann: We need your subtle incisiveness back in the the national conversation. Anyway, we were all set to bake you a cake, complete with 47 (one for good luck!) candles in the shape of the New York Times building (fun to watch burn!) but then we remembered that whole snorting-meth-instead-of-eating-food thing, so consider this post our birthday gesture instead. Here's hoping your sail into the shores of 47 is peaceful and untroubled by any further accusations of inaccuracy or literary piracy!

Conservative Cartoon Figure Looks Better As Actual Cartoon

abalk2 · 11/14/06 01:10PM

A tipster passes along this invitation to a Denver speaking engagement by Ann Coulter, the 45-year-old grief management counselor. Our source comments that "she went through several drafts before she was happy with this version of "herself" raising the skirt, highlighting her bum, and in general, making herself look not only ridiculous, but oodles more attractive than she actually is."

Ann Coulter Dangerous To Your Sanity, Employment Status

abalk2 · 10/09/06 11:00AM

Because God knows what we need right now is another book condemning Ann Coulter, the 45-year-old columnist best-known for wearing a cocktail dress and sandwich board that reads "Will malign for money," Reuters reporter Joe Maguire put pen to paper and came up with "Brainless: The Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter [45]. Unfortunately, after Maguire showed the galleys to his corporate overlords, he found himself unemployed because of Reuters' strict adherence to a policy of balanced coverage even when it comes to covering the wildly unbalanced. It's not all bad news for Maguire, though: the Times reports that, upon hearing of his dismissal, "20 or so employees at the markets desk where Mr. Maguire had been one of two editors in charge 'took a group coffee break' in solidarity on Thursday." Which is a real tribute: those guys only did a five-minute smoke break when Reuters canned Adnan Hajj.

Go Ask Ann Coulter

Chris Mohney · 09/26/06 09:30AM

The four authors of forthcoming imaginatively titled polemic I Hate Ann Coulter! are sticking to their anonymity, claiming (maybe only half-facetiously) that they fear potential reprisals from Coulter's fans. The Post dutifully notes "It's only the second time in Simon & Schuster's history that an author's identity has been kept secret, the first being, "Go Ask Alice," a teen drug addict's diary, published in 1971." Of course, Go Ask Alice was only "anonymous" as a mechanism to perpetuate its own fraudulent nature, as it wasn't written by a fallen teen drug addict at all. Rather, it was one of several "anonymous teenager diaries" concocted by Mormon youth counselor Beatrice Sparks as part of her scared-straight campaign. Simon & Schuster's still willing to play up the anonymous angle as a publicity stunt, anyway.

Ann Coulter, 45: Axis of Evil

Chris Mohney · 09/07/06 12:40PM

Sure, we like to knock Ann Coulter around now and again. Who doesn't, really? Like all her fans, though, we've often wondered how much truth there is to the popular chestnut that she says outrageous things not because she particularly believes them, but merely to gain media attention and thus drive her book sales. And more importantly: does it work? A hard-hitting investigative campaign (i.e. dispatching Intern Mary into the depths of Lexis and Bookscan) revealed that a correlation may indeed have existed between evil quotations, press mentions (in the New York Times, New York Post, and New York Daily News for our purposes), and book sales for her earlier tomes. However, Coulter may be working it a little too hard in support of her most recent book (Godless: The Church of Liberalism). Eventually, nothing's shocking, even from Ann. Graph and supporting quotations after the jump.

Ann Coulter, The Lenny Bruce of Our Age

abalk2 · 08/16/06 03:20PM

Apart from supporting Joe Lieberman and keeping blacks off the staff, the modern New Republic is about nothing so much as opposing the conventional wisdom. No matter the subject, TNR will find a way to tell you that what everyone thinks is wrong. (This construction is so embedded in the magazine's DNA that when Franklin Foer wrote the ultimate meta-TNR piece in 2001, "CW up arrow: Why what everyone thinks is usually right," he set himself upon a trajectory that would eventually place him in the magazine's top slot.) So it was with great joy that we approached their current online-only CW-reverser, "A defense of Ann Coulter." Could it be that our distaste for the 45-year-old alleged plagiarist was colored by the judgment of everyone else who came into contact with her ravings? Results after the jump.

NYC Co-op Apartment Dirt Revealed

Chris Mohney · 08/03/06 11:45AM

If you've ever wanted to paw through the real-estate records of prominent New Yorkers foolish enough to conduct business under their own names, here's your chance. Curbed points out that documents relating to the sale and ownership of co-op apartments — formerly a mysterious, private affair — have abruptly turned up online. Thrill to Jerry Seinfeld's actual signature on his UCC3 termination! No idea what that means, but with a little digging, you can match up real-world events with documentary parallels — as a tipster notes, here's the evidence of Billy Crudup paying off Mary-Louise Parker to the tune of $1,487,359.33 after ditching her for Claire Danes. Or perhaps you'd prefer to gaze lovingly on Ann Coulter's most recent mortgage? And of course, there's Jeffrey Epstein's West End pad (at least we think it's though sadly not "our" Jeffrey Epstein). Much more, but there are only so many hours in the day. Find anything else particularly interesting? Let us know.

Raving Stick Figure Not Fooled By Whole Clinton "Hetero" Thing

abalk2 · 07/26/06 01:22PM

Our political-minded sibling over at Wonkette points us to a recent interview with alleged plagiarist Ann Coulter, 45, which, even with all our experience watching the 45-year-old alleged plagiarist, still manages to shock us. According to Ann, Bill Clinton is... wait for it... a gay. And why? Well, because of the women he slept with.

Simon Spotlight Handing Out Book Deals Like It's Judith Regan Or Something

abalk2 · 07/26/06 10:04AM

Following yesterday's news about Simon Spotlight's Jeremie Ruby-Strauss buying the book by the Fugly girls comes this probably inevitable note from Publisher's Marketplace: "Unanimous's I HATE ANN COULTER, a manifesto against all things Ann Coulter, to Jen Bergstrom and Patrick Price at Simon Spotlight Entertainment, with Jeremie Ruby-Strauss to edit, in a nice deal, by Dan Strone at Trident Media Group."

Raving Stick Figure To Media: "I'll Kill You! I'll Kill You All!"

abalk2 · 07/18/06 09:23AM

Here's another dose of whimsy from noted humorist Ann Coulter, 45. Asked by WWD's Jacob Bernstein what she thought of the recent anthrax scare at The Times, Coulter "not only responded, but claimed to be the sender of the mysterious powder.

Angry Crazy Lady Will Demand Press Executions For Food

abalk2 · 07/13/06 10:20AM

The ride is starting to get rough for possible plagiarist Ann Coulter. Apart from the allegations of plagiarism, the 45-year-old has just suffered the indignity of having her column dropped by the Cedar Rapids Gazette, where she's being replaced by Rush Limbaugh's less pill-happy (we're guessing) brother; other papers are also considering severing ties. Even Adam Carolla, who is so desperate for ratings that he'd light his own farts on fire were they able to make a sound, recently hung up on her. And while her book still seems to be moving copies [cough]bulk sales[cough], we're sensing a growing desperation from the professional javelin imitator. Her most recent column contains this gem about NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller:

Remainders: Steve Jobs Will Devour This Town

Jessica · 07/12/06 06:20PM

Another Apple Store in Manhattan? Are you fucking kidding us? [Curbed]
• The Constitution does not allow Times photographers to take pictures of bridges. It's, like, written in a secret amendment or something. [The Daily Politics]
WWD, left high and dry by the departure of media reporter Jeff Bercovici and the impending escape of Sara James, hires Irin Carmon, who graduated from Harvard two days ago and has since been freelancing all over the damn place. [The Media Mob]
• On behalf of America, Adam Carolla hangs up on Ann Coulter. [Chortler]
• A Spin without Andy Pemberton means a Spin without a sex columnist. Say goodbye to Joanna Angel. [FishbowlNY]
• The Conde Nast cafeteria comes to the newly absorbed Fairchild, bringing with it a spaceship atmosphere and Balthazar croissants. [NYO]
• Come this fall, figure skater Johnny Weir shake his thing on the Bryant Park runway for Heatherette. You go, girl. [NewNowNext]