The second worst part of flying (after having to take your shoes off at security) is that everyone dresses like slobs. Not Vogue scarecrow-in-chief Anna Wintour. She changed twice for a six-hour flight from New York to L.A. yesterday and even got special treatment at the airport.

According to fellow first class passengers Wintour got onto the plane wearing a Louis Vuitton dress. Then she got up, went to the bathroom, and returned to her seat wearing jeans and a "cute top" (which is also how most people describe me). Then, before the end of the flight, she went back to the bathroom, and emerged in the first dress. This is smart. She knows people are going to be photographing her in public but she wants to be comfy while traveling. We admire her dedication to looking amazing.

The best part, though, is what happened when she got to L.A. Apparently her luggage came off the plane first and they even stopped the rotating luggage wheel of death so that one of her minders could pluck up her (obviously designer) bags. Now that, ladies in gentleman, is how you travel in style. Maybe everyone in the world being afraid of you isn't so bad after all.

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]