
New York Founding Editor Clay Felker To Be Memorialized This Evening

Moe · 09/22/08 11:43AM

You're invited, space permitting, to a memorial service this evening for the beloved New York magazine founding editor Clay Felker. It's at the New York Society for Ethical Culture and starts at six. Tom Wolfe, Gloria Steinem and Lesley Stahl will pay tribute to the man who taught a city to talk about itself at a celebration organized by New York and Gail Sheehy, the writer and widow of the late editor. Felker's legacy, which Wolfe in July described as nothing less than the restoration of vitality to a bloodless, disconnected New York media, is also honored less directly today in New York's excellent issue on the Great Shakeout.

Friday Fixes

cityfile · 09/19/08 02:30PM

We've made a couple of improvements to the site over the past few days. The "Most Viewed" section on the right-hand side of this page now reflects two weeks' worth of data, so you can see which profiles have generated the most pageviews over the past 14 days. We've also added a "Popularity" section to each profile (left), which tells you how popular a person is in relation to the 2,127 other people in the database. Oh, if you haven't registered for a user account, you can do so here. It'll allow you to rate people and post your comments and photos. And if you have any comments, questions, and suggestions, feel free to email us at

Your Questions, Our Answers

cityfile · 09/10/08 10:57AM

Question No. 1: "How do I send you information anonymously?" Answer: Just use the Contribute page. If you don't include your email address or name, we won't know who you are, but if you want a response, you'll need to leave us with a way of getting back in touch with you. Question No. 2: "Can I send you a photo to put up in so-and-so's profile?" A: You can do it on your own if you'd like. When you create a account, you can upload pictures to any profile in the system. Creating an account also allows you to post comments, save profiles, and rate people. Other questions or concerns? Email us!

Happy Labor Day!

cityfile · 09/01/08 06:37AM

Hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend. We'll see you on Tuesday!

Survey, Anyone?

cityfile · 08/06/08 11:08AM

Just in case you have nothing to do this afternoon: You can still fill out our super-short survey—just three minutes from beginning to end! We'll be eternally grateful. Click here to take part. Thanks!

Our Survey, Your Comments

cityfile · 08/05/08 11:30AM

If you haven't filled out our insanely brief three-minute survey, please do so now by clicking here! We'll love you forever. (Plus you'll be entered to win a prize. Yay.) Also, yes, you can comment on blog posts now. You'll have to register first, though, which you can do here. When you register, you can also comment on profiles, upload your own pics, and rate people. (You can even rate yourself, as a number of you have discovered.) As always, feel free to email us your comments, tips, additions, or useful (or even not-so-useful) suggestions.

Take Our Survey!

cityfile · 08/04/08 11:27AM

We're collecting a little bit of information about Cityfile readers. That's you! It's quick and painless, we swear. And it should take three minutes, tops. Oh, and if you take part (and include your email address at the end), you'll be entered to win a $100 Bloomingdale's gift card. Thanks!

More On How Things Work

cityfile · 07/18/08 07:09AM

You have questions, we have some answers! The "Most Viewed" section on the right-hand side? The top five people display—these are the five most popular profiles on the site, ranked by the number of times the profile has been viewed. If you click on "More," you'll see the entire list of people in order from most viewed to least viewed. This is changing in real time, so if you notice the order changing, that's because certain profiles are simply getting more traffic than other profiles.

RSS, Corrections & Jobs

cityfile · 07/17/08 09:59AM

We've had some intermittent issues with the Dailyfile RSS feed. Sorry about that! It seems to be working now; you can access it here. Also: To those of you who have emailed to ask, yes, you're more than welcome to submit corrections and/or additional information. You can contact us with this form. We try to make the updates as quickly as possible, but it occasionally takes a day or two, so please bear with us. Finally, we're still accepting resumes if you're interested in any of these positions. Thanks!

Help Wanted!

cityfile · 07/14/08 11:45AM

We're looking to fill a couple of positions here at Cityfile and would love to hear from you if you fit the bill. Click through for job descriptions and submission requirements.


cityfile · 07/14/08 06:01AM

Thanks for all the tips, corrections, and additional information you've sent in. Just so you know, we've been making dozens of updates to the profiles every day based on the information you've provided us with. So if you notice we have someone's middle name wrong or we have the wrong birthday listed, just email us or use this form and we'll add it on our to-do list.

Friendly Reminder!

cityfile · 07/10/08 07:11AM

So if you register (for free!) for a account, you can comment on people, upload your own pictures of them, and rate them, too. Just so you know! Oh, and feel free to send us additional information to include or any corrections. You can email us here or use this form. Thanks!


Mark Graham · 06/18/08 12:55PM

Hey, you like reading email, don't you? It sure beats walking out to the mailbox once a day, doesn't it? Well, if you like email as much as we like email, have we got an offer for you! We're excited to announce that Defamer has launched a once-a-week email alert that will enable you to receive a simple communique that contains a brief summary and links to our Top 5 Most Popular Stories of the week. The email only goes out 1x per week, on Fridays, so we promise that your inbox will not be deluged with Defamer spam. Another bonus for signing up? In the case of BREAKING! and/or DEVELOPING! news, we'll alert you straightaway via the same channel. We are applying the Spiderman Principle of "with great power comes great responsibility" to our email communications, so if you see a Defamer email sitting in your inbox, you'll know its totally worthwhile (unfortch, the same could not be said for Spiderman 3). If you would like to sign up, simply enter your email address into the box that's sitting in the left-hand sidebar underneath the hed "Subscribe To Defamer." Give it a whirl, won't ya?

Mark Graham · 04/01/08 10:55AM

We've got two quick announcements to lead the day. And no, neither of them have anything to do with April Fool's Day (we tend to defer to Ashton Kutcher when it comes to pranking, punk'ing and pap'ing). First things first, Seth is taking a much deserved and long overdue vacation and will be gone for the next two weeks. While we're not entirely sure where he went, we have it on good authority that he's gone south of the equator in an attempt to infiltrate X17's secret island paparazzo boot camp. Fingers crossed that all of his covert training paid off!

The Week of 1,000 Whores

Pareene · 03/21/08 05:34PM
  • Announcement: Author, former Page Six-er, Gawker gadfly, and noted fighter (just like Hillary!) Ian Spiegelman will be taking on Gawker's weekend shift, starting tomorrow. It should be a trip.

Defamer Welcomes Stu VanAirsdale As The Newest Member Of Our Editorial Team

Mark Graham · 03/17/08 10:55AM

We'd love to begin this lovely Monday morning not by pounding a pitcher full of green beer (that will follow in a few minutes), but rather by introducing the newest member of the Defamer editorial team. We are thrilled to announce that S.T. VanAirsdale is joining our ranks in the position of Senior Editor, where he will be helping us round out our coverage of the movie industry that we all love and loathe in equal measure. Stu is a both a well-respected and well-heeled veteran of the world of film criticism and industry analysis, having his work published by Vanity Fair, The New York Times, New York Magazine and, of course, the The Reeler. We are tremendously excited to have both his biting wit and extensive experience on the team, and we are confident that you will quickly grow to love him as much as we do. So, with that, everyone please give a warm welcome to Stu! Now, on with the show...

Big Fat Italian Wedding

Richard Lawson · 01/10/08 01:00PM

James Gandolfini is now engaged to longtime goomar Deborah Lin. No word yet on when they'll be rattling the windows and tearing the house down in preparation for their separation.

'Times' PR Queen Catherine Mathis Promoted, Will Now Take Over World

Maggie · 12/13/07 04:20PM

Guess what? New York Times flack Catherine Mathis was totally promoted today! According to a Times press release, the company has made Mathis a senior vice president of corporate communications; she was a lowly old vice president just yesterday! "Catherine is the consummate communications professional. She has a deep understanding of our business and, under her leadership, we have taken a smart, strategic approach to media and investor relations," NYTCo chair Janet Robinson says in the release. We can't really argue with that, seeing as how the release also announces a promotion for the paper's general counsel, but just breezes through his CV. Now that's owning the story.