Bill Maher and Jane Lynch Give Dramatic Reading of Weiner's Dirty Facebook Messages
Matt Cherette · 06/10/11 10:17PMAfter confessing on Monday that he tweeted a picture of his penis, Anthony Weiner's online dirty laundry quickly piled up. And on tonight's Real Time, Bill Maher and Jane Lynch gave one such piece of it—Weiner's X-rated Facebook exchanges with Vegas blackjack dealer Lisa Weiss—the dramatic reading it deserved. The video (which contains strong language, obviously) is above.
Charlie Rangel Is Anthony Weiner's Only Friend in Congress
Jim Newell · 06/10/11 05:35PM
Pretty much no one in Congress wants to be buddy-buddy with Rep. Anthony Weiner anymore, either because his peen pic grossed them out or they're worried that his colossal stupidity might be contagious. And while most once-friendly Democratic congressmen from neighboring districts in New York are trying especially hard to avoid him, old Rep. Charlie Rangel from Harlem is offering rare support for the congressman. It's better than nothing?
Stephen Colbert Isn't Buying Andrew Breitbart's 'I Was Duped' Excuse
Matt Cherette · 06/09/11 11:31PMDuring an appearance on the Opie and Anthony radio show yesterday, conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart showed off his beloved photo of Anthony Weiner's penis and it wasn't long before the photo surfaced online. On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen poked holes in Breitbart's "I didn't know the picture would get out!" defense—much like we did earlier—except he did it with a sarcastic apology to viewers for displaying Weiner's manscaped member.
Jon Stewart Would Really Like to Move on from Weinergate
Matt Cherette · 06/09/11 10:58PMEver since the Anthony Weiner story broke, Jon Stewart, a longtime friend of the congressman, has struggled with how to cover Weinergate on The Daily Show. Stewart was visibly uncomfortable with the subject right after Weiner admitted to sexting women online, and he even resorted to gimmicky distractions at one point.
Watch Weiner's Ex-Girlfriend Shudder at the Mention of His Name
Maureen O'Connor · 06/09/11 05:52PMThe Three Lies of Andrew Breitbart
John Cook · 06/09/11 03:54PM
Just kidding! Obviously there are many, many, many more lies. But a video released yesterday of Breitbart yucking it up with the folks at Opie and Anthony while passing around a photo of Anthony Weiner's cock—a rather cavalier little party trick that resulted in a photo-of-a-photo-of-a-photo of the cock shot seen 'round the world making its way on to Twitter and this here web site—exposes three. Let's take them in turn:
Anthony Weiner Still Not Resigning
Jim Newell · 06/09/11 03:17PMAnthony Weiner May Have Scared Congressmen Away from Twitter
Jim Newell · 06/09/11 12:38PM
Has Anthony Weiner's horrendous experience with Twitter prompted other members of Congress to post fewer illiterate riffs than usual to their own Twitter accounts? Top number-crunchers are looking into this. And the early stats of congressional tweet volume following Weiner's accidental cock missive suggest that... perhaps?
Stephen Colbert Is All Over Anthony Weiner's Cock
Matt Cherette · 06/08/11 11:37PMUnlike colleague Jon Stewart, who ignored the release of Anthony Weiner's cock shot on tonight's Daily Show, Stephen Colbert took to the Report this evening with a segment about the congressman's member and his apparent affinity for manscaping: "That's not just grooming. That's a scorched earth policy that's going on there."
Jon Stewart Won't Touch Anthony Weiner's Cock
Matt Cherette · 06/08/11 10:58PMA photo of Anthony Weiner's cock surfaced earlier today and we learned that his wife is pregnant. With two big developments like that, surely Jon Stewart would cover them on The Daily Show, right? Nope! Instead, Stewart decided to open with a segment about the economy, and then—as you'll see in the above video—focus on the dirty Daily Show-related Facebook messages that Weiner exchanged with Vegas blackjack dealer Lisa Weiss.
Roommate Outs Newest Weiner Sext Partner
Max Read · 06/08/11 09:55PMThe Most Famous Cock Shots of All Time
Brian Moylan & Maureen O'Connor · 06/08/11 08:45PMAnthony Weiner's Wife Is Pregnant
John Cook · 06/08/11 04:12PMAlec Baldwin Might Be Running for Mayor of New York
Brian Moylan · 06/08/11 11:48AMAnthony Weiner's Cock Shot Emerges
Adrian Chen · 06/08/11 10:46AMJon Stewart Sheds Blood While Apologizing for Weiner
Matt Cherette · 06/07/11 10:45PMClintons 'Deeply Unhappy' With Weiner
Max Read · 06/07/11 09:44PM
Much has been made of the fact that bulge-Tweeting congressman Anthony Weiner (8==D - N.Y.) is married to Huma Abedin, a close aide of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — and that President Clinton officiated at their wedding. But having been through a not entirely dissimilar situation does not seem to have made the Clintons more sympathetic to Weiner's problem: