Alec Baldwin Might Be Running for Mayor of New York

Now that suspected candidate Anthony Weiner won't be running for mayor of New York (for obvious reasons), rumors are swirling that Alec Baldwin is going to throw his hat in the ring. Is he really gonna run this time?
A source told the NY Daily News that Baldwin was interested in joining the race for mayor and his rep said he, "wouldn't rule it out." Well, he basically just filed all the paperwork, held a press conference, and announced his intention to run, didn't he?
This isn't the first time the 30 Rock star has threatened us with running for public office. Last November he said he was going to run for Congress but then claimed he was just joking. In January, he said on CNN that he was very interested in running for something, anything. He just wants campaign buttons with his face on them. Well, Alec, you better just hurry up and do it. Right now you're like that girl who always flirts with us at parties but never puts out. No one likes a tease, Alec!
Anyway, before any of this can even happen Mayor For Life Michael Bloomberg has to give up his throne. We're not holding our breath for either of these developments.
[Image via Getty]