
Emily Gould · 11/30/07 10:15AM

Heather "Asperger's" Kuzmich of "America's Next Top Model" has granted an interview to Wrong Planet, which is an "online resource and community for people with Asperger's Syndrome." We already knew that Asperger's is a mild form of autism that affects people's ability to interact socially, but did you also know that it causes extreme credulousness? "I finally realized that if I'm gonna learn modeling, i might as well go on a show that has some of the best in the industry," Heather said of her decision to go on the show. [Wrong Planet]

Top Models Slut It Up For Tyson

mark · 10/25/07 08:07PM

· We haven't watched a single minute of this cycle of ANTM, so we'll need you to answer this question for us: does every episode feature a C-list master-of-ceremonies for a half-assed slut-off? (Before you answer that, Tyra's definitely at least a B.)
· The best time to pass the hat for a political campaign is always when your potential donors' beach houses are burning to the ground.
· So that's what Axl was hiding behind that catcher's chest protector all of those years.
· Our pals at BoingBoing drag an animated skeleton out of The Simpsons Movie director's closet.
· Dumbledore's recent outing is causing other fictional characters to ask themselves uncomfortable questions about their sexuality.

mark · 09/19/07 02:53PM

This comprehensive, visually stimulating collection of FourFour's animated Tyra Bank gifs is sure to incapiciate any ANTM fan with seizures of delight. But click though with caution: we're actually not kidding about the potential of the post to induce a grand mal episode. [FourFour]

ANTM Casting Requirements Even Less Stringent Than One Might Rightly Assume

Emily Gould · 03/13/07 05:17PM

Do you have what it takes to be in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model? It's quite possible that you do, and that you don't even know it! The open casting call to be held at Park Central New York (870 Seventh Avenue at 56th street), on Saturday, March 24 from 10am-4pm stipulates only that prospective contestants be "female, ages 18 to 27, of diverse backgrounds, shapes, sizes and with a minimum height requirement of 5'7" tall." Because that's what models are! If by "18-27" you mean "14-20" and if by "diverse backgrounds, shapes, sizes" you mean "Estonian and skeletal." But fuck reality: that is SO not what reality TV is about, especially ANTM. We find ourselves sorely tempted to go down there and compete. Do you even have to have been born a woman? Based on a good look at current contestant Jaslene, we're thinking the answer is "no."

Fashion Week: Malan Breton

Emily Gould · 02/09/07 04:10PM

Gawker photographer Nikola Tamindzic and Gawker editor Emily Gould joined forces a historymaking second time at Proj. Run oddity Malan Breton's show this morning. A particular highlight for Emily was meeting America's Next to Next Top Model Melrose, who she hopes will never Google herself and learn that Emily is being a huge hypocrite in this picture because she had previously told the internet that she really didn't like Melrose. In Emily's defense, she would like to explain that she and Melrose hadn't met and bonded closely in five seconds after a fashion show at that point in time. Anyway, there's more of Nikola's experience to be found over here, and more of Emily's take on matters after the jump.

'Secrets of the Model Dorm' Include Top-Secret Publicity Efforts

Emily Gould · 01/18/07 10:40AM

Dear Atria Publicity Department:
We posted about this book on January 9th. We're not trying to be a bitch or anything, but we kind of thought you might have managed to trouble yourselves to send us a copy of it by now. The ringing endorsement from ANTM contestant Shandi Sullivan ("one word immediately comes to mind: DRAMA!") sold us, and besides, it seems like the kind of book that we would be able to milk a few gossipy posts out of. So what gives? Messenger-slip-writing hands all afflicted by carpal tunnel? In-house seminar on "the new world of internet marketing" underattended? In any case, all will be forgiven as soon as we get our talons on a copy.

The Wisdom of Nigel Barker, $39.99

Emily Gould · 01/17/07 04:45PM

Good news for ANTM fans who want to get up close and personal with noted fashion photographer Nigel Barker, but don't want to have to attend some pretentious art party or reality show cattlecall: for only $39.99, you can learn all his secrets — in person — at the Learning Annex! We read the class listing with great interest, hoping to learn more about the man, the myth, etc, and we weren't disappointed: