
Do Not Give a Dollar to the Opera

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/13 09:50AM

Alarming news for music lovers: the New York City Opera, which has performed in the city for generations, will have to cancel the rest of its season and all of next year's season if it doesn't raise $20 million soon. A tragedy, for the arts. Still, no one should give the opera $20 million.

How Conservatives Pretend That Martin Luther King Was One of Them

Hamilton Nolan · 08/28/13 09:23AM

Remember Martin Luther King, Jr., the oppressed Southern black man, the freedom fighter, the peacenik, who called for radical progressive civil rights and economic justice legislation, and who was smeared as a Communist? Today, pundits would like to remind you that he was, of course, a "conservative."

Juan Williams Is Just a Grumpy Old Republican Now

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/13 09:04AM

Remember when Juan Williams was a respected NPR journalist? It seems so long ago. He said something dumb, got fired, got bitter, got picked up by Fox News, and now makes a living as a sort of reformed liberal talking clown, paid to confirm the right wing's prejudices. Today: Juan Williams doesn't like that rapping music, either!

Americans of All Races Agree: We Are Racist

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/13 09:08AM

We're getting close to the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, which is, hell, as good a time as any to reflect on how racist we still are. Are we really, though? We are!

Time to Bring Bankruptcy Back for Student Loan Debt

Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/13 12:02PM

Thanks to some misguided moral philosophy and some excellent lobbying work, it is now almost impossible to discharge your student loans in bankruptcy. They haunt you forever, like the souls of those you've killed. As our national student loan debt balloons further into crisis territory, it become ever clearer that we need to change that rule.

Get Ready for More Blackouts

Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/13 08:57AM

When Hurricane "Superstorm" Sandy hit New York, a large part of Manhattan— the wealthiest place east of the Taj Mahal— was without power for weeks. At least it wasn't unfashionable. According to a new report, blackouts are becoming the new normal.

Four in Ten White People Only Have White Friends

Hamilton Nolan · 08/08/13 12:48PM

There is good news and bad news here in post-racial America, the land in which nobody sees color, until it's time to shoot. The good news is that young people— who are The Future— are really embracing integration. The bad news? As usual, old white people.

Study: Military Suicides Not Correlated With Military Deployment

Hamilton Nolan · 08/07/13 09:35AM

Ever since the beginning of the "War on Terror" and its associated actual wars, suicides among members of the U.S. military have been rising. Suicide is now the leading cause of death for soldiers; among veterans, it's just as bad. But a new study says that military deployments are not the cause.

Afghanistan's College Students Are Just Like Ours: Dumb and Angry

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 09:53AM

When the violence, strife, and cold-blooded realpolitik world of international relations starts to get you down, take heart in this truth: no matter where you go— from Kansas City to Kabul— college kids will be angry, shouty, and dumb.

What Is Life Like For an Amazon Worker?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 11:48AM

One of these days— maybe sooner, maybe later, but definitely one of these days—Amazon will become the new king of retail consumerism in America. We know what it's like working for Wal-Mart and Target. But what is life like for the faceless workers that make Amazon go?

The Air Force Desperately Needs More Fighter Pilots

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/13 08:38AM

It used to be that every red-blooded young boy watched Top Gun and dreamed of growing up to be a fighter pilot, though hopefully not one killed during an emergency ejection. Today, the Air Force cannot get enough fighter pilots to fill its fancy planes.

Back-to-School Shopping Season Has Already Begun

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/13 08:29AM

If the school bell has finally sounded for the final time and the kids are gleefully preparing for several long, hot months of family road trips and spilled frozen dairy dessert substances, it can only mean one thing: time to start your back-to-school shopping now. Now. There is no respite in this world of gloom.

The More Your Pension Fund Pays Wall Street, the Less You Get

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/13 08:54AM

The highly paid money managers of Wall Street often point out that they're not just making money for themselves; they're helping to enrich the retirement funds of millions of state workers, just like you. False! A new study points out that the more Wall Street makes, the less your pension fund makes.