
The Lower Class Is the Most Important Class

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/12 10:15AM

The Obama administration is changing some rules about how people can repay their student loans based on their income, to make that debt repayment somewhat less onerous for people whose incomes are low. Which is good. But not as good as it could be. As in many operations of our society, the lower class is helped less than the middle and upper classes. This happens often in the system of government we have designed. It is not a good system.

Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are Sniveling Cowards

John Cook · 10/15/12 04:30PM

Time's Mark Halperin has made himself useful for once by obtaining, and publishing, a copy of the 21-page memorandum of understanding that the Obama and Romney campaigns negotiated with the Commission on Presidential Debates establishing the rules governing this month's presidential and vice presidential face-offs. The upshot: Both campaigns are terrified at anything even remotely spontaneous happening.

Shitty Joke Forces Alaska Airport to Shutdown for Three Hours

Taylor Berman · 10/14/12 06:13PM

Considering the hyped-up, half-assed shit the TSA forces you to go through before your typical flight, making a bomb-related joke at the airport probably isn't the best move. But, according to the AP, flier Peter Friesema didn't let a thing like common sense get in the way of potential comedy gold and apparently made a wisecrack about having a bomb in his bag. Things went about as well as you'd expect: authorities shutdown Anchorage's Ted Stevens International Airport for three hours hours early Sunday morning as police searched for the non-existent bomb.

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter Dies

Mallory Ortberg · 10/14/12 12:17PM

Arlen Specter, a five-term senator from Pennsylvania, has just died, the AP reports. A Republican since 1965, he switched party affiliations in 2009 and ran as a Democrat, losing in the primary to Joe Sestak. After his defeat, Specter continued to teach law at the University of Pennsylvania, where last year he was named by the National Jurist one of the "23 professors to take before you die." He was 82.

What People on Twitter Think Paul Ryan Looks Like

Mallory Ortberg · 10/14/12 10:23AM

There's nothing more American than comparing a vice-presidential candidate's physical appearance to a children's cartoon character. And Paul Ryan's just got one of those faces that makes everyone wonder "who does he remind me of?" Sometimes the similarities are obvious and sometimes they require picturing a former child actor copulating with a small, carnivorous rodent, but they're all right, every last one of them.

Schrödinger's Meth Lab Found in Montana

Mallory Ortberg · 10/13/12 04:25PM

Call it the meth lab that wasn't there: during a recent narcotics raid in Billings, Montana, a member of a police SWAT team dropped a flash grenade at the bedside of a sleeping 12-year-old girl, sending her to the hospital with second-degree burns and knocking out part of her bedroom wall.