
Mitt Romney's Family Trust Invested In Chinese Companies

Taylor Berman · 09/21/12 07:43PM

Mitt Romney's 2011 tax returns, which were finally released today, show that Romney's family trust invested in two Chinese companies, a bank and a state-owned oil company. Then, as Romney's presidential campaign gained momentum, the trust sold the shares. This might not a big deal if Romney hadn't spent much of the past two years criticizing China for using unfair trade practices, and then faulting Obama for not being tougher on China's policies. For instance, Romney has said a lot of things like this:

The U.S. Senate Is Busy Arguing About Dead Polar Bears

Taylor Berman · 09/21/12 06:57PM

In case you were worried about the Senate debating important issues, fret not; today, the last day in session before the election, Senators argued about whether 41 dead polar bears should be allowed into the country. Naturally, the argument fell along party lines, although, somewhat surprisingly, it was Democrats urging a vote for the hunter-friendly legislation, which, in addition to letting carcass fetishists bring home their dead bear trophies, would:

Why Are White High School Dropouts Dying Younger?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/12 12:35PM

Here's a novel trend: white people in America are losing relative to non-white people in America, in some way. What?? Yes, of course, this trend involves poor and/ or undereducated white people, but still. You don't see that too often. So—why are the white high school dropouts dying younger now?

How Much Does a Minimum-Wage Family Need to Work to Be 'Personally Responsible'?

Cord Jefferson · 09/21/12 12:07PM

In Mitt Romney's almost comically offensive leaked speech, in which he says that the 47 percent of Americans who don't pay income taxes feel entitled to wild luxuries like "food" and "housing," the GOP presidential candidate also suggests that this 47 percent doesn't "take personal responsibility" for their lives. Some good things have been written about the qualitative validity of Romney's "personal responsibility" statement, but politics blog Squashed decided to look at its quantitative validity, also. Many people who don't pay income taxes have jobs, of course, but how much more would they need to work to be responsible in the eyes of Romney and his supporters? In short: A lot more.

Even Scientists Are Sexist as Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/12 08:57AM

If you're a woman in this patriarchal world of ours (I imagine), sometimes you start feeling like you'll never get a fair shake. Like you'll always be subjected to the capricious whims of sexism. Like you should just give up. Well, ladies, take heart in the results of a new study: you're absolutely right.

'Microwave Popcorn Lung' Victim Wins $7 Million Lawsuit

Taylor Berman · 09/19/12 09:51PM

Wayne Watson (pictured above, imitating a bag of popcorn) was awarded $7 million today in a lawsuit he filed after being diagnosed with "microwave popcorn lung," which is a real thing. Watson was diagnosed with the respiratory disease in 2007, after eating two bags of artificially flavored popcorn a day for years.

American Airlines Pilots Are Really Sick

Taylor Berman · 09/19/12 08:23PM

Or they're malingering strikers. Either way, American Airlines is canceling 300 flights this week due to pilots calling in sick. There's also been a sharp increase in flight crews filing maintenance paper work, which has caused further flight cancelations. It seems as though the pilots are striking because of an unfavorable deal their union, the Allied Pilots Association, reached with American Airlines management. The new deal calls for more flying hours while rejecting equity or pension contributions for the pilots. But union officials deny any sort of organized action.

These Melting Ice Caps Could Be Great for Business

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/12 08:34AM

Leading scientific expert Peter Wadhams warned this week that it may be only four years until the Arctic—a place once known for its ice—experiences a total melting of its sea ice in the summer months. Wadhams called this a "global disaster" with "terrible" implications. Well Prof. Wadhams, perhaps you should change your name to Prof. Deborah Downer? Because it looks like you forgot about all the money$$$??