
Steubenville Victim Found Out About Assault Over Text the Next Morning

Maggie Lange · 03/15/13 09:00AM

The 16-year-old girl at the center of the rape trial of two Ohio high-school football players learned of the assault over text messages the next morning, it was testified this week. The trial is focusing primarily on text messages, cell phone pictures, and social media surrounding the alleged crime.

What It Is Like to Spend 25 Years in Solitary Confinement

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/13 01:21PM

In February of 1987, deputies were transporting inmate William R. Blake to court in Dewitt, New York, to face drug and robbery charges. Blake grabbed a deputy's gun and shot two officers, killing one. He was apprehended immediately. For the past 25 years, Blake has been in solitary confinement in a prison in upstate New York. He will not leave prison alive.

Oh My God Particle: Physicists Confirm Observation of Higgs Boson

Maggie Lange · 03/14/13 08:42AM

Physicists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research confirmed today that they have discovered a subatomic particle that is a crucial building block of the universe. Called a Higgs boson, this particle will help to explain what gives matter in the universe size and shape. The existence of the particle was predicted in 1964 as a component of the most widespread model of the physical universe. The particle takes its proper name from Peter Higgs, the physicist who proposed its existence, but the boson particle has been popularly nicknamed the "God particle."

6,000 Disease-Ridden Dead Pigs Found Clogging a River in Shanghai

Taylor Berman · 03/13/13 07:15PM

Earlier this week, nearly 6,000 dead pigs were found floating in the Huangpu River, roughly 40 miles north of Shanghai. As terrible and disconcerting as the discovery must have been for Shanghai's 23 million residents, who receive their tap water from the river, the news got worse when authorities realized the pigs were infected with porcine circovirus, which, according to health officials, isn't transferrable to humans but still, not a great thought. In fact, according to ABC News, some residents showed "black humor" by referring to their drinking water as "pork broth." But not to worry! The Chinese government is now saying that, after testing the city's tap water, it's perfectly safe to drink, shower in, cook with, etc.

The Man Who Filmed Romney's 47 Percent Video Was Inspired By Bill Clinton's Generosity and Mitt Romney's Awful Speech

Taylor Berman · 03/12/13 11:15PM

The man who secretly filmed Romney's infamous 47% video during a campaign fundraiser last September has finally agreed to reveal himself tomorrow night on MSNBC. The Huffington Post interviewed the man several times over the past few months and, while they won't reveal his name until after MSNBC's big interview, they have released some information about the filmmaker, including his job and how he was indirectly inspired by Bill Clinton.

Biggie Smalls Will Appear as a Friendly Ghost in a New Cartoon Starring His Children

Caity Weaver · 03/12/13 03:40PM

Have you always felt that the Scooby-Doo cartoon series would have been better served by the incorporation of a murdered father character in lieu of the combative Scrappy-Doo? Time to test our your theory, weird kid: The Notorious B.I.G.'s teenage children are set to star in a new animated musical series called House of Wallace —and Biggie will appear as a ghost.

Cannibal Cop Found Guilty, Faces Life In Prison

Maggie Lange · 03/12/13 11:58AM

The Cannibal Cop, suspended NYPD officer Gilberto Valle, was found guilty of conspiracy to kill and cannibalize women on Tuesday morning. Valle had connected with other liked-minded people on fetish websites to torture and consume women he knew, including his wife. While his lawyers argue that this was just fantasizing, Assistant U.S. Attorney Hadassa Waxman said Valle was taking concrete steps to enact his plot to kidnap and kill. Valle's defense attorney Julia Gatto said this situation was equivalent to the overblown "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938, which people mistook for truth and caused an unwarranted panic.

Ancient Mummies Had High Rates of Heart Disease, Too

Taylor Berman · 03/11/13 07:10PM

Clogged arteries, or in scientist talk, "atherosclerosis," has long been associated with our modern, gluttonous ways, including our propensity for smoking and obesity. Americans, naturally, considered such diagnoses a matter of national pride, an example of their freedom to choose. But according to a recent study, this particular form of heart disease was relatively common thousands of years ago, with roughly one third of the ancient mummies examined showing signs of the disease.

Another Cruise Ship Shit Disaster as Over 100 Royal Caribbean Passengers Infected With Diarrhea-Causing Virus

Taylor Berman · 03/10/13 11:40PM

Just a few weeks after the shit-covered, disabled Carnival Cruise landed in Alabama, the cruise industry was hit with another PR disaster: Last week, a Royal Caribbean cruise ship returned to shore after an 11-day cruise during which over 100 passengers and three crew members fell ill with the norovirus, a gastrointestinal virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. The virus is usually spread by water contaminated with feces.

'Rifleman's Journal' Host Shot and Killed by Apparently Jealous Husband in Murder-Suicide

Taylor Berman · 03/10/13 06:58PM

Gregory Rodriguez, the host of the Sportsman Channel show The Rifleman's Journey, was killed Friday night, the victim of a murder-suicide by an apparently jealous husband, according to Montana police. Rodriguez, who is also an editor at Shooting Times Magazine and a contributing editor at Petersen's Hunting, Guns & Ammo, was visiting a woman at the woman's mother's home in Whitefish, Montana when Wayne Bengston, the woman's husband, showed up. It remains unclear what Rodriguez and the woman were doing at the time, but whatever it was, it sent the 41-year-old Bengston into a rage; shortly after entering the home, he shot and killed Rodriguez and severely beat his wife.

Snow Update: It's Happening

Maggie Lange · 03/08/13 11:33AM

Since spring is just around the corner, it makes sense that a big old snow storm is upon us. According to the windows and some weather reports, heavy snow is falling across the tri-state area. Snow will fall until midday and might pile up between one to three inches will fall on New York City. In addition to lovely fresh snow, watch out for wave surges up the New England coast, particularly in Massachusetts—which should reach 19 feet, making tides about three feet above normal levels. This will most likely cause some serious flooding. Unlike the excitable father pictured above, President Obama is not amused: