
Steve Jobs' New York Media Adventure

Ryan Tate · 02/04/10 03:46PM

Steve Jobs visited the Wall Street Journal and New York Times in recent days, say sources at the papers. Also, New York reports the Apple CEO showed up for a secret media dinner.

The Week We Raised High the Roof Beams

Pareene · 01/29/10 07:03PM

This week, everyone made a lot of jokes about "goddamn phonies" and all that kind of stuff. Also: some journalists got in a bit of trouble with the law, and a guy gave us a giant phone, for elderly people.

Bashing the iPad Bash

Ryan Tate · 01/27/10 06:03PM

In this special iPad edition of Twitterati, the media elites obsessed grumpily over Steve Jobs' jeans, Steve Jobs' chair, Steve Jobs' pricing strategy and the technical ignorance of Steve Jobs' staff. The Twitterati knew that every tablet must get stoned.

The Nuclear iPad Price That Might Have Been

Ryan Tate · 01/27/10 04:28PM

Think back an hour or so to the iPad unveil. Jobs is on stage. He reveals his tablet, and then the price, $499, to rabid applause from everyone. Everyone, that is, except people who knew better.

Print Media's Big Tablet Letdown

Ryan Tate · 01/27/10 02:43PM

No doubt, Steve Jobs showed off a compelling tablet computer today, one that should excite people who make videogames, TV shows — even books. But today's Apple iPad debut was a big letdown for magazine and newspaper people.

How to Know if the Apple Tablet Will Save Print

Ryan Tate · 01/27/10 11:59AM

When Steve Jobs unveils his tablet computer today, print media's old guard will be watching closely — and praying his magic saves their businesses. But does Jobs love them back? We'll be closely watching his speech and keeping score.

The Apple Tablet and the Joy of Anticipation

Richard Lawson · 01/27/10 10:44AM

One of the great modern pastimes — speculating and rumormongering about the Apple Tablet — will come to an end today when Steve Jobs finally unveils his messiah device. It's a game few are ready to stop playing.

Watch Steve Jobs' Code of Silence Get Violated

Ryan Tate · 01/26/10 05:33PM

Uh oh: It looks like McGraw Hill's CEO didn't get the memo about how Apple omertà strictly forbids the leaking of any tablet news prior to Steve Jobs' big presentation tomorrow. He went on CNBC and blabbed.