
How Steve Jobs Behaves in Public

Ryan Tate · 03/30/10 12:36PM

Steve Jobs handles public encounters with a mixture of brazenness and celebrity caution, according to people who sent us stories about their run-ins with the Apple CEO. Read their tales—and send us yours—below.

How Apple Is Dogfighting To Control Your News

Ryan Tate · 03/26/10 09:30AM

Apple's iPad could make it the king of old media, arbiter of taste and technology alike. So magazines and newspapers have begun a series of countermoves that could turn the quietest dogfight in media into the most vicious.

Let's All Email Steve Jobs!

Adrian Chen · 03/24/10 08:51PM

It is well known that you can email Steve Jobs at It is less well-known that he sometimes responds. He has been doing this a lot lately. Come on, everybody, let's email Steve Jobs!

What Type of Nerd Are You?

Brian Moylan · 03/17/10 01:47PM

All the nerds are in one place this week at SXSW, but, let's face it, we all have a little bit of nerd in us. These days geekdom is large and diverse enough for everyone. Where do you fit in?

Next Generation iPod Might Have Sleeves

Adrian Chen · 03/16/10 08:39PM

Apple has hired "wearable computing" expert Richard DeVaul as a prototype scientist. Devaul invented something called "memory glasses" which display reminders onto glasses lenses. Here's a suggestion: A pair of Bermuda shorts that can save the magazine industry. [WSJ]

The Video Game Consoles and Peripherals That Time Forgot

Frank Cozzarelli · 03/12/10 11:22AM

Remember the 3DO? Or the Power Glove? It's easy to forget that the lineage of today's Playstations and Xboxes is filled with so many odd mutants never fit for mass consumption. Here's a look into the awkward, gawky past.

Creepy Apple Wants Control of Your House, Wallet

Ryan Tate · 03/09/10 12:27PM

In addition to to providing your digital music, movies and "print" media, Apple would also like to be the gateway to your home and bank account. Meet the iKey, the invention that lets Steve Jobs mediate your most private spaces.

Will Steve Jobs Watch the New Play About Him?

Ryan Tate · 03/03/10 07:08PM

An "elite" monologuist is mounting a play about Apple's CEO. It's titled The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs; it promises to "dive into" the "epic story of a real-life Willy Wonka;" and it opens in Jobs's back yard.

Apple Only Wants 16+ Year-Olds Working Its Dodgy Sweatshops

Ryan Tate · 03/01/10 02:13PM

Apple products are made in factories that regularly employ young teenagers, constantly work people more than 60 hours per week, and falsify records to cover up their misdeeds. That's according to the shameless gossiping muckrakers at... uh, Apple Inc.

SNL Mocks Steve Jobs, Others in Undercover Boss Spoof

Matt Cherette · 02/28/10 01:41PM

Tonight's episode of SNL was a bore until this: a hilarious, celebrity-centric spoof of CBS' Undercover Boss that featured Steve Jobs as a trash man (you know where this is going), Richard Branson, Martha Stewart and more. Video inside.

iTunes sells 10 Billionth Song

Ravi Somaiya · 02/26/10 08:40AM

It came, it saw, it killed the CD. Proof it's no longer revolutionary, but heading towards ubiquity? The 10 billionth purchase came when "71-year-old Louie Sulcer of Woodstock, Ga., bought "Guess Things Happen That Way" by Johnny Cash." [ABC]

The First Apple Store Wedding

Mike Byhoff · 02/25/10 10:47AM

Churches: Old and busted. Getting married at the place you spend all your money is way better. Plus, the groom needed to pick up a new Macbook charger anyway. Now everyone get your rice throwing app ready to go.