
Megan McCarthy · 07/17/07 02:40PM

Wi-Fi outages at Duke University blamed on the number of iPhones trying to connect to the campus network. [Apple 2.0]

Megan McCarthy · 07/17/07 01:45PM

Apple is getting a new landlord. Silicon Valley real estate mogul Carl Berg decides to sell his commercial property portfolio for $1.8 billion. [San Jose Mercury News]

Andy Ihnatko, faux Apple CEO?

Owen Thomas · 07/16/07 09:30AM

Is Andy Ihnatko Fake Steve Jobs? Valleywag was the first to name him publicly as a candidate for writing the faux diary of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, but now Ihnatko is being fingered again, thanks to a needlessly elaborate Internet sting. Could the longtime Mac columnist be the man behind the curtain?

abalk · 07/11/07 01:05PM

If you're the kind of status-obsessed schmuck who needs to drop $600 on an item that will be obsolete within a year, you'll still need to burn that cash: Apple is not coming out with an iPhone Nano, contrary to rumors. [Sydney Morning Herald]

Megan McCarthy · 07/10/07 07:41PM

Watch what happens when a $600 phone meets the smoothie setting. [Will It Blend]

Is Apple giving the iPhone a "Death Star upgrade"?

Nick Douglas · 07/10/07 01:10PM

Flash! Copy-paste! iChat! A blogger has republished a forum post claiming that these features and more are coming soon to the iPhone. Some will arrive with the release of Apple's new operating system, OS X Leopard, some earlier. But my money says this list is bull. Promised features include:

Verizon's musical airs

Owen Thomas · 07/05/07 01:52PM

Verizon Wireless has a bad case of iPhone envy, starting at the top. COO Jack Plating privately fumed to his minions in a company memo headlined "iWhatever" — of which Valleywag got a copy — that the iPhone is "yet another attempt to stay competitive with us." The problem with Plating's fit of pique? Beyond fuming about the iPhone, he doesn't have much to say. Instead, he counsels store workers to tout Verizon's network and its "18 multimedia devices." Sure, Verizon has 18 music phones. But — how to put it delicately? — they all suck, including the latest LG Chocolate.Granted, I haven't played with the new Chocolate, just the old one. But just from the photos and feature list, I can tell that Verizon and LG haven't changed it enough to make a difference. They haven't fixed the phone's unusable user interface, tiny screen, and annoying numeric keypad. Think sending text messages on the iPhone is annoying? With the Chocolate, you're back to thumbing your way through the alphabet. And then there are the numbers. LG has crowed about selling 6 million phones, worldwide, in its first year. But the iPhone has, according to reports, sold 1 million phones in five days. And that's just in the U.S. Here's how Plating closes his little pep talk, which he asks workers to regurgitate to potential customers not just on the job, but at "backyard barbecues":

Megan McCarthy · 07/05/07 01:51PM

Universal Music confirms it will not renew its contract with Apple's iTunes division, jeopardizing the likelihood of another U2-endorsed iPod. [MacWorld]

Nick Douglas · 07/03/07 10:50AM

iPhones are now sold out of Apple stores in San Francisco (and everywhere else in Silicon Valley); meanwhile, the official site says Los Angeles now has some in stock. The Nintendo Wii, for those keeping score, still vanishes from shelves every time Best Buy gets a new shipment.

The iPhone sales estimate guessing game

Tim Faulkner · 07/02/07 06:23PM

According to leading financial analysts, Apple's weekend iPhone launch was either pretty good (250,000 units - Shaw Wu, American Technology Research) or really damn good (700,000 units - David Bailey, Goldman Sachs Inc.) or somewhere in between (312,000 units - Bill Shope, J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc; 500,000 units - Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray; 525,000 units - Trip Crowley, Global Equities Research). Demonstrating exactly how helpful analysts and their estimates can be.

Synergy gone wrong

wagger1 · 06/30/07 06:07PM

Perhaps we're just cranky from the Steve Jobs-addled fanboy who IM'd late last night to test his new iPhone's SMS. Amidst the tweets and texts and Facebook status updates we've gotten from new iPhone owners, we're left wondering one thing: How many of them are, at this very moment, using their iPhones to watch illegal copies of Ratatouille — the new Pixar release from Disney, where Apple CEO Jobs is, of course, a board member and major shareholder?

Megan McCarthy · 06/29/07 01:44PM

The iPhone: Will it blend? [Forbes]

Megan McCarthy · 06/28/07 03:56PM

Want a free iPhone? You'll get one if you've worked for Apple over a year. [Ars Technica]

Least glamorous uses of the iPhone

Nick Douglas · 06/25/07 05:30PM

Realists know the iPhone is the best browser for cheating on quiz night or for a bit of porn in the bathroom. Mac fanboys may not want to admit it, but the Jesusphone is perfect for some less than holy uses.

Big Hands gives a guided tour

Tim Faulkner · 06/22/07 12:20PM

He's not just a (big) hand model. He has a face, body, and voice too! See Apple's iPhone model/spokesperson provide the most extensive guided tour to date of the JesusPhone's features at the Apple web site. [Approximate run time: 20+ minutes.] Or read Jason Chen's summary of the scant new revelations at Gizmodo.

Who will buy the iPhone?

Tim Faulkner · 06/21/07 03:31PM

Some would like to believe the only people willing to buy an iPhone are wealthy fanboys who will buy anything from Apple — no matter the cost, for sake of fashion and coolness. This isn't the case; there are several types of iPhone shopper who will anxiously wait in line for the computer maker's must-have gadget.

Megan McCarthy · 06/12/07 04:05PM

Google v. Microsoft can only help Apple. [Forbes]

Stevenote reaction, the day after

Tim Faulkner · 06/12/07 02:02PM

Everyone seemed to agree yesterday that Steve Job's keynote at Apple's World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) was an underwhelming disappointment. But a day later, the key announcements (Safari on Windows and web applications on iPhone) are provoking extreme and divergent reactions. When the reactions are so discordant, something must have happened. The polarized reactions, in quotes, after the jump — you decide: good or bad, right or wrong.

No Schmidt, Sherlock: Why wasn't Eric at WWDC?

wagger1 · 06/11/07 03:12PM

The leaked outline of today's Stevenote was apparently wholly spurious, including the promise that Google CEO Eric Schmidt would get on stage at Apple's WWDC to talk about a Google-Apple deal. The unfulfilled rumor was that Google's Web apps would replace or enhance Apple's .Mac email and file-storage service. But the consensus seems to be that the logic of such a deal is still compelling. So, tell us, readers: Was Schmidt, an Apple board member, supposed to show, and backed out? Did Jobs nix an appearance at the last minute? Or was there really nothing to the Google-Apple rumor after all?