
The AR-15 Was Built for Slaughter in War Zones

Sam Biddle · 06/13/16 02:00PM

In 1962, the Pentagon had a pickle on its hands: America wanted to give South Vietnam guns with which to kill its Communist brothers and sisters in North Vietnam, but we couldn’t figure out which guns. The answer became as clear 50 years ago as it is today: The AR-15 is an incredibly good tool for killing lots of other humans.

Cops: Have You Seen Our Lost Gun? Please Give It Back

Sam Biddle · 01/27/16 02:14PM

Well, boy, hoo... this is embarrassing, but the Orange County Sheriff’s Department just lost an AR-15 rifle. Have you seen it? It looks just like the one up there. Uh, if you find it, could you give it back? Listen, I know this looks bad, but do me a solid here. They put it on top of their car and then drove off. I guess it fell. Anyone?

Tom Scocca · 09/17/13 11:58AM

Despite the best marketing efforts of the gun industry, law enforcement officials now say that Aaron Alexis did not use an AR-15 in yesterday's massacre at the Washington Navy Yard. All 12 of the murders were committed with the shotgun Alexis had bought despite his history of gun violence, or with the handguns he apparently took from victims who were unable to stop his armed killing spree with their own handguns.

Texas Congressman Holding Contest for Free AR-15 Assault Rifle

Taylor Berman · 05/08/13 06:57PM

Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, a man who fantasizes about armed fetuses shooting their way out of the womb and believes that oil and gas are the best things to come from the earth, is hosting a fun giveaway. But what for? Tickets to a Spurs game or a maybe a concert? No, of course not. Through a contest on his website, the representative of Texas' 36th district will reward some lucky winner with a free, brand new AR-15 assault rifle.