The NSA Is Amassing Call and Email Data from Latin America Too: Paper
Max Read · 07/10/13 07:14AMThe Argentine President's Riveting Account of Tuesday's Snowden Crisis
Max Read · 07/03/13 11:33AMCheap Toy Poodles Purchased in Argentinian Bazaar Turn Out to Be 'Ferrets on Steroids'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/08/13 11:59AMArgentina Says 'Fuck You, You Can't Take Our Boats'
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/02/13 05:30PM
Last October, billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer tracked the course of a Argentine navy ship, Libertad, as it crossed the globe. When it docked in Ghana, his firm, NML Capital, convinced a judge there to hold the ship in port until Argentina could pay its 1.3 billion debt to him, debt still owed from when the Argentine economy completely collapsed in 2001.
Reporter Sucker Punched by Protester During Live Report on Anti-Crime Demonstration
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/12/12 05:07PMHamilton Nolan · 10/05/12 10:14AM
Argentines To Take 'Save the Whales' Campaign to Next Level By Executing Seagulls
Taylor Berman · 08/28/12 07:55PM
Seagulls in Argentina have changed from your standard beach pests into whale killing monsters, or so say Argentine authorities. It appears seagulls there have taken to pecking tiny bits of flesh from the backs of southern right whales as they surface for air, which naturally hurts the whales but, more importanly, hurts the whale watching industry in the area. As the AP put it, the seagull attacks are damaging the "region's tourism industry as well, by turning whale-watching from a magical experience into something sad and gruesome." Local tourist officials agree.
Sweeping Transgender Bill of Rights Approved in Argentina
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/10/12 07:52AMIs This the Worst Axe Commercial Ever?
Brian Moylan · 10/27/11 11:33AMCristina Kirchner Breaks World Record For Latin-American Female Presidents
Seth Abramovitch · 10/23/11 08:18PMWoman Gets Completely Naked on Argentina's Dancing with the Stars
Brian Moylan · 10/04/11 11:43AM
When Nancy Grace slipped a nipple on Dancing with the Stars, it caused a huge uproar. Now imagine if Nancy Grace ripped off her top, exposed her breasts, humped her partner, took off her G-string, and appeared completely naked. Oh, and Nancy Grace was a gorgeous model. That's what happened Sunday on Argentina's version of Dancing with the Stars.
Chechen Warlord Is Also a Soccer God
Jeff Neumann · 05/13/11 07:37AM
Ramzan Kadyrov, murderous warlord and "president" of Chechnya, is trying to recast his country as a hub for international football. And to celebrate the opening of a new stadium he had built in Grozny, Kadyrov hosted a friendly match between his team, made up of various criminals and murderers businessmen, and a team of retired international stars that included Argentinian great Diego "Hand of God" Maradona.
Late for Work? You Don't Need to Torch the Train
Jeff Neumann · 05/03/11 04:15AMIt's safe to say that anyone who commutes to work gets a little annoyed with train delays. Fair enough. But there are ways to handle that frustration, and ways to not handle that frustration. In the video above from Argentina, we see the latter.
Thieves Dig Tunnel into Bank
Max Read · 01/03/11 09:43PMArgentina's Dancing with the Stars Is Pretty Much Straight Up Porn
Brian Moylan · 12/30/10 04:30PMCruise Ship Tossed Around in 30-Foot Waves
Jeff Neumann · 12/09/10 08:31AMThis Is How You Handle a Loud-Mouthed Politician
Jeff Neumann · 11/18/10 07:02AMArgentina is facing some major budget issues, and tensions among legislators are high. So when lawmaker Carlos Kunkel wouldn't shut up during an Upper House session today his colleague, opposition member Graciela Camano, smacked the shit out of him. Watch!