Aurora Shooter James Holmes Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole
Hudson Hongo · 08/08/15 09:00AM
On Friday, a jury deciding the fate of Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes said they were unable to reach a unanimous sentencing decision, resulting in life in prison without parole instead of the death penalty for the man who killed 12 people and wounded 70 others at a screening of The Dark Knight Rises in 2012, CNN reports.
Aurora Shooter James Holmes Guilty of All Charges, Faces Death Penalty
Hudson Hongo · 07/16/15 05:25PMSen. Flake Promises Gun Control Reform to Aurora Victim's Mom, Flakes
Mandy Oaklander · 04/20/13 11:21AM
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake felt so bad for Caren Teves, whose son died shielding his girlfriend from bullets in the Aurora theater massacre, that he wrote her a handwritten note in response to a letter she sent him pleading for reform. "I am truly sorry for your deep loss," Flake wrote. "While we may not agree on every solution, strengthening background checks is something we agree on."
Cinemark Refuses to Meet with Families of Aurora Shooting Victims, Sends Them Free Movie Passes Instead
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/03/13 10:00AMChicago's Shootings Didn't Happen In a Movie Theater, But It's Still the World's Deadliest City
Cord Jefferson · 08/14/12 03:56PM
Two months before alleged killer James Holmes stormed a Colorado movie theater, murdering 12 and injuring dozens more, police and politicians in a different place were trying to squelch the tremors from their own mass killing. It was in Chicago, over Memorial Day weekend, when police responded to more than 40 shooting victims in about 72 hours. Ten of those victims were shot dead, including four teenage children. Alas, despite the fact that more people died that weekend than in both the August 5 Sikh killings and yesterday's College Station shootings combined, there will be no flags at half-staff for those 10 Chicagoans. It's likely you didn't even know those people were dead, just like most of your friends and family. In a summer of now three much-lamented shootings with multiple victims, Chicago's murdered are the forgotten ones.
Report: Psychiatrist Referred James Holmes to Threat Assessment Task Force Before Aurora Shooting
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/02/12 09:17AMCity of Houston's Post-Aurora PSA Teaches You How to Survive 'Action Movie'-Like 'Shooter Event'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/30/12 10:35AMThe City of Houston Mayor's Office — with financial assistance from the Department of Homeland Security — has produced a public service announcement aimed at helping individuals caught in the crossfire of an "active shooter event" escape unharmed.
Dane Cook Says He's Sorry for Making Light of Aurora Theater Shooting with Terrible Joke
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/27/12 05:30PMPolice: Maryland Man Called Himself 'Joker,' Planned 'Aurora-Like' Mass Shooting
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/27/12 12:50PMDane Cook Jokes About Aurora Shooting on Stage Less Than One Week After Massacre
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/27/12 11:15AMThree Colorado Hospitals Will Cap or Cover Medical Expenses of Uninsured Aurora Shooting Victims
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/26/12 08:18AMOof: Broom-Hilda Strip Inadvertently Makes Tasteless Joke About Aurora Theater Massacre
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/26/12 07:33AMSix Dumb Arguments We're Hearing About the Aurora Shooting
Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/25/12 09:20AMIs James Holmes a Nerd?
Max Read · 07/24/12 10:00AM
Here's something that almost all the mass killers of the last fifteen years or so have in common: they've been called "nerds." James Holmes, who allegedly murdered 12 people in a crowded Colorado movie theater on Friday morning, was described as a "nerd" by his uncle within hours of the shooting. Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is, in the Telegraph, a "puffy-faced computer game nerd." Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were "innocuous nerds," the Los Angeles Times claimed in 1999.