Los Angeles Declares War on Pedestrians
Max Read · 12/26/13 09:06AMCar Brand Loved By Liberals Mocks Subway Smells, Bums and Safety
Ken Layne · 05/10/13 11:44AMThere Are No Used Cars For Sale Any More
Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/13 11:09AMEuropeans Hate Cars
Hamilton Nolan · 02/19/13 03:25PM
Europe, an expensive overseas cooking school populated by pussies, is still busy finding ever more outrageous ways to offend American sensibilities. First, it was the whole WWII thing, which we had to go straighten out ourselves. Then there was Monty Python. (Was he making fun of us? I think he was making fun of us.) And now, these Eurotrash types are too good to buy cars, all of a sudden.
Angry Customer Trashes Car Repair Shop as Local News Reporter Records the Chaos
Matt Cherette · 02/22/11 10:58PMYesterday afternoon, FOX 17 reporter Abbey Sloan—who I graduated high school with!—visited an auto repair shop to report on a 50-60 car pileup in Mecosta, Michigan. Instead, she witnessed (and recorded) an angry customer's dangerous destruction. Yikes!
Chrysler's Incredible "Imported From Detroit" Ad Is the Super Bowl's Real Winner
Matt Cherette · 02/06/11 09:44PMChevy Now Offers a Car That Reads Facebook Status Updates to You
Matt Cherette · 02/06/11 08:14PMIs This School Bus Driver Fearless or Just an Idiot?
Matt Cherette · 01/23/11 09:58PMDon't try this at home! Actually, don't try it anywhere—ever. Anyway, here's a four-minute video of a Nicaraguan school bus driver literally fording a raging river. Twice! (The bus is full, by the way.) Brave? Idiot? Brave idiot?
Germany's Downfall Will Be Facilitated by This Roundabout
Matt Cherette · 01/13/11 02:20PMHere's a video that someone took over the course of an hour of a roundabout in Erfurt, Germany. After recording the massive, embarrassing confusion that occurred during the hour, our videographer edited it down to the best (worst) two-and-a-half minutes.
Watch Sanitation Workers Destroy a Ford Explorer in Brooklyn Today
Matt Cherette · 12/27/10 06:13PMHere's some amateur video that was taken today in New York City's Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. Watch as sanitation workers attempt to free a snowbound front loader—and destroy a nearby Ford Explorer in the process. 2010's blizzard claims another!
Nineteen Girls, One Smart Car
Matt Cherette · 12/15/10 09:35PMBudget Cuts Force Polish Police Trainees to Push Cars by Hand
Matt Cherette · 12/09/10 02:36PMBadass Barber Keeps Clipping After Car Crashes Into Shop
Matt Cherette · 12/08/10 02:23PMA Collection of Russian Truck Driver Badassery
Matt Cherette · 12/02/10 02:34PMIn Soviet Russia, trucks don't drive around water—they drive through water! Or so it appears in this predictably insane video, featuring nearly three minutes of Russian truck drivers—and their vehicles of choice—plowing through seemingly unmaneuverable roadways. Watch inside.
This Mitsubishi Has a Case of the Mondays
Matt Cherette · 11/29/10 01:54PMIt's the Monday after a holiday. Naturally, everybody is a bit off. Sort of like this Mitsubishi 3G Eclipse, which—after some freezing rain in Minnesota last week—tried (and failed) to park on a nearly flat driveway. Watch inside.
Watch Oprah Give Her Entire Audience the Redesigned VW Beetle
Matt Cherette · 11/22/10 05:14PMWatch a Car Try, and Fail Miserably, to Park
Matt Cherette · 11/18/10 05:40PMAt first sight, there doesn't seem to be anything remarkable about this—just some surveillance footage of a car about to park in front of a shop. But wait! Because instead of parking... well, watch and see what happens.
Drunk Woman Interviewed Moments After Crashing Into a School Bus
Matt Cherette · 11/15/10 03:34PMOn Friday, Elizabeth Crull was arrested for DUI after crashing her car into a school bus in Orlando, Florida. Moments after the crash, Crull gave an... enlightening (read: still drunk) interview to a local news crew. Watch—and laugh—inside.
Watch a Real Life Game of Pac-Man Featuring a Bunch of Chevy Cruzes
Matt Cherette · 10/27/10 03:37PMIn what is probably some sort of "viral ad," a bunch of Chinese stunt drivers created a track to resemble a game of Pac-Man—and then played it using a bunch of Chevy Cruzes. Watch the action unfold inside.