
Bill to Legalize Gay Marriage Clears Major Hurdle in Washington State

Nell Jensen · 02/02/12 01:17AM

The Washington state Senate voted 28 in favor (including four Republicans) to 21 against late Wednesday evening to pass a bill legalizing gay marriage. The bill now goes to the House, where it's expected to pass, and Governor Chris Gregoire has already said she will sign it. So basically, the hard part is over and gay and lesbian couples will be able to get married by June unless crabby homophobes can muster around 120,000 signatures before that time to force a referendum.

Disappeared Expat Silk King had CIA Connections

Danny Gold · 01/18/12 06:59PM

Denis D. Gray at the AP has a rundown on a new book out about the fascinating exploits of alleged spy Jim Thompson in Southeast Asia. A well known titan of the silk industry, Thompson disappeared in 1967 after going for a walk in the Malaysian highlands. Rumors abound about his death, including that he was eaten by a tiger or killed by the CIA. If those are the rumors surrounding your death, there's a good chance your life was pretty eventful.

Blackjack Master Beats Atlantic City for $15 Million

Jeff Neumann · 05/24/11 06:49AM

Since last December, some dude named Don Johnson from Pennsylvania has been single-handedly beating the crap out of Atlantic City casinos. So far he's won over $15 million from just three: Borgata, Tropicana, and Caesars Palace. The Press of Atlantic City caught up with Johnson, and corroborated his claims with casino officials.

The Final Launch of the Shuttle Endeavour, Through an Airplane Window

Adrian Chen · 05/16/11 12:59PM

Stefanie Gordon slept for most of her flight from New York City to Palm Beach, Florida this morning. Luckily she woke up in time to snap these pictures through her window of the space shuttle Endeavour lifting off from Kennedy Space Center on its final mission to the International Space Station. (Click to enlarge.)

The Single Truest Political Rant Ever to Appear on Morning Television

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/10 09:00AM

On Morning Joe today, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan gave a phenomenally, remarkably, uncommonly honest and incisive rant about the fallacy of America's "War with Islam," calling it "an extraordinary failure of our politicians and our media." It is well worth watching.

Nuclear Bomb Researchers Accidentally Blow Up Building

Adrian Chen · 12/23/09 09:01PM

Don't worry, it wasn't with a nuclear bomb! Last week, researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory accidentally blew up part of a building with "a gun which acts like a Civil War Cannon". Even crazier, in a way.

Tap Dancing the Super Mario Brothers Theme Song

Mike Byhoff · 12/21/09 09:43AM

The Super Mario Brothers theme song is possibly the most recognized song on the planet. So when it's left up to interpretation, people can be harsh critics. Well here's a perfect rendition of the theme done by a Broadway dancer.

White House Party Crashers Are Awesome, Sad

Adrian Chen · 11/25/09 09:05PM

Did you hear about this DC couple that crashed Obama's first state dinner last night? Michaele and Tareq Salahi—aspiring reality show stars, bedeviled vintners, polo enthusiasts and lawsuit magnets: You inspire and sadden us in almost equal measure.