Microsoft Pulls Terrible Parody Ads for Being Terrible, Not Funny
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/14/13 03:15PMPepsi Bottles Have a Sporty New Shape and Every Thing Is Different Now
Caity Weaver · 03/29/13 12:24PMVictoria Beckham's Son Encounters Terrifying Mannequins in This Weird New Burberry Ad
Caity Weaver · 12/17/12 06:40PMOn Monday, luxury retailer Burb's Berry Farm released the first ad from its Spring/Summer 2013 campaign.
World's Worst Promotion: Nestle Recalls Wreck-It Ralph-Branded Nesquik
Robert Kessler · 11/08/12 06:09PMPublic Service Announcements Are Advertising's Amateur Hour
Drew Magary · 10/22/12 01:05PMHere's an ad created by DDB New York for WaterIsLife, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing clean drinking water to people in developing countries. The ad features a bunch of poor Haitian people reading a bunch of #FirstWorldProblems tweets out loud: "I hate when my phone charger won't reach my bed," "I hate it when I tell them no pickles, and they still give me pickles," etc. The message of the spot is clear: You're an asshole for whining about your problems when you have clean drinking water. Now here is why this spot is fucking terrible:
Pizza Hut Got In Trouble, Will No Longer Disrupt the Debate with Frivolous Pizza Questions
Caity Weaver · 10/15/12 02:05PMThis Brad Pitt Commercial for Brad Pitt Will Make You So Uncomfortable
Caity Weaver · 10/15/12 12:28PMThe Situation's PETA Ad, And Its Inevitable Pussy Joke
Robert Kessler · 10/11/12 10:18AM
As any good astronomer will tell you, a star always burns brightest just before it dies. And Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino is certainly clinging onto his last drops of fame with every muscle in his steroid (and maybe painkiller) riddled body, following in the path of every D-lister before him, and posing nude shirtless for PETA.
The Kardashians Struggle to Appear Normal While Simultaneously Wearing Eyeglasses
Caity Weaver · 08/10/12 01:56PM
On Thursday, Khloe Kardashian presented the Internet with an insane photograph of herself and her sisters, Kourtney and Kim, modeling Sears' new line of Kardashian-inspired eyewear on her official blog. In so doing, she revealed to the world that the Kardashians have no idea how to conduct themselves as normal humans while simultaneously wearing eyeglasses. This brief analysis attempts to determine how it all went so wrong.
The Three-Legged Dog Effect: How Working Ad Accounts Is Like Moderating Olbermann-Limbaugh
Drew Magary · 07/11/12 09:30AMWhen You Cast Harvey Fierstein In An Ad, Make Sure The Client Knows All His Secrets
Drew Magary · 06/20/12 12:30PMH&M Is Sorry It Used a Tan Supermodel to Sell Swimsuits, Guys
Caity Weaver · 05/10/12 06:34PMNo One Can Correctly Google Any More, Basically
Ryan Tate · 04/16/12 02:02PM
Google has been placing more and more crap around search results, which is very annoying, but it turns out this crapification may work out quite well for the giant internet company. That's reportedly because people can't really tell anymore what's a Google advertisement and what's a Google search result, turning the simple act of internet searching into a confusing profitable mess.
Why Is Hitler Selling Shampoo in Turkey?
Louis Peitzman · 03/26/12 07:07PM
There's probably a logical explanation for this, right? Either way, Turkey's Jewish community is none too thrilled about seeing Adolf Hitler in a TV ad for shampoo. Biota Laboratories, the company that makes Biomen shampoo, has refused to take the commercial off the air, explaining that it's "humorous." But as we all know from watching Mad Men, sometimes the client doesn't know best.
David Beckham In His Trunks
Matt Toder · 02/05/12 07:22PMMy wife is a fan.
Here's Go Daddy's Latest Attempt to Sell You Domains With Hot Women
Matt Toder · 02/05/12 07:05PMCome on, guys. Enough already.
North Dakota Pulls Its Sad 'Take Our Cornfed Women, Please' Tourism Ad
Adrian Chen · 01/13/12 06:13PMAwkwardly Animated Ameritrade Logo Disappears into Spokeswoman's Vagina
Maureen O'Connor · 01/12/12 04:40PMSo you finally landed your dream job, spokeswoman for online brokerage site Ameritrade. Matt Damon provides the voiceover, and you provide the smiling face. You sit up straight. You follow your cues. This could be your big break. We'll animate Ameritrade's signature lily pad later, they tell you. Trust us. It's going to be cool.