Brangelina! Brangelina! Brangelina!
Amdesi · 10/30/09 05:30AMSimon Cowell can't escape the coif, Bai Ling has a hungry pussy, Mel Gibson throws sticks and stones, and the Brangelina+Gosselin vortex will sink us all.
First One to Make a Party Animal Pun Gets Shot
Gabriel Snyder · 10/09/09 03:28PMLiLo Dumps SamRo Via Twitter, Orders Applebee's To-Go Via Cell
Richard Lawson · 04/06/09 09:20AMWhich Date Should Mickey Rourke Bring To The Oscars?
Kyle Buchanan · 02/11/09 01:35PMBai Ling Slipping Behind Chihuahua, Hasselbeck In Mickey Rourke Oscar-Date Sweeps
Kyle Buchanan · 01/23/09 03:15PMMickey Rourke And Bai Ling: A Celebrity Couple To Root For
Kyle Buchanan · 01/15/09 02:35PMKate Hudson Back On Butterscotch Stallion
Ryan Tate · 03/05/08 06:18AM
- Kate Hudson is, once again, riding the Butterscotch Stallion. She and fellow actor Owen Wilson had a weird double-date in Miami with Jennifer Aniston and Eric Dane the night after Hudson spent time with Wilson at a 10-bedroom mansion, having been spotted on the way in by crafty paparazzi. Their friends are totally against it.
Bai Ling Promptly Sent Out 'Valentine Love Smile' To World After Shoplifting
Molly Friedman · 02/15/08 02:03PM
Sure, Bai Ling's arrest at LAX on Wednesday was sad in a Hedy Lamarr kind of way, but you know what's sadder? Suffering through her explanatory blog post the next day. Apparently camped out in Albequerque, we'd like to issue a warrant for another arrest based on the Celebrities Writing Bad Poetry statute. Witness: "my emotions are running through me like a wild river, tears come from the lake of my heart hurt my eyes." Oh, but there's more!
Jimmy Kimmel Wants You To Think He's Fucking Ben Affleck
Ryan Tate · 02/15/08 08:57AMBai Ling's Beautiful, Famewhoring Spirit Snuffed By Airport Shoplifting Arrest
Seth Abramovitch · 02/14/08 07:43PM
We can't say we know much about Bai Ling, save that she's ubiquitous (watch her ghostly apparition suddenly appear and start signing autographs next to Larry King in this paparazzi video), gave some of the most brain-meltingly awful (in the good way) musical performances in TV history on But Can They Sing?, could safely be classified as "fashion forward," and generally enjoys being the center of attention. In fact, now that we really think about it, she's done nothing but bring us joy, however obliquely. So we'll refrain from passing judgment on her arrest yesterday for swiping two magazines and a pack of batteries at an LAX magazine stand, or snickering at her mugshot, in which she just looks kind of sad. We're sure that after the proper shopliftinghab treatment, Ling will back to her old self in no time, full of vitality and grabbing Santa by the balls.
Working The Carpet At The Maxim Style Awards
mark · 09/19/07 06:44PM
Having subjected Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to a number of assignments on the filthy sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard, we decided it was time she got to class things up a bit and tote her camera to a red carpet, so we dispatched her to the Maxim Style Awards at Avalon last night to see what would happen. Unsurprisingly, an encounter with party ubiquity Bai Ling ensued (who we're not entirely sure exists outside of the event circuit), as did some firing squad time with Brady-loving former Top Model Adrianne Curry. Part I of Molly's video report is above, while the thrilling conclusion—starring a dude from Weeds who discusses his co-star's recent adoption news—follows after the jump: