
New York City Is Going to Stop Making Non-Violent Offenders Pay Bail

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/08/15 11:05AM

Citing dismal conditions at Rikers Island and a 16-year-old who committed suicide after he was jailed without charges for three years, the city of New York announced Wednesday plans to eliminate bail requirements for non-violent and low-level offenders.

Strauss-Kahn Gets $1M Bail, Smiles and Waves

Maureen O'Connor · 05/19/11 03:37PM

French politician and rumored "rutting chimpanzee" Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been granted $1 million bail and home detention while he awaits trial for the alleged sexual assault of a hotel chambermaid. Arriving in court, Strauss-Kahn gave "a quick smile to supporters in the gallery" Such a charmer! I guess he didn't do it, after all. [AP, image via AP]

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Denied Bail

Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/11 12:54PM

IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been denied bail after being accused of sexually assaulting a maid in his Manhattan hotel this past weekend. Prosecutors say, plausibly, that Strauss-Kahn could easily hop a plane to France and never be extradited and be a whole new Roman Fucking Polanski, over there. [WSJ, photo via Getty]