
The Osama Bin Laden Mission: the Latest News

Max Read · 05/02/11 06:20PM

As you've likely heard, Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden was killed during a firefight with American forces in Pakistan on Sunday. Above, President Obama and his national security team wait for updates from the operation. Here's the latest news:

Rush Limbaugh (Very Sarcastically) Showers Praise on Obama

Jim Newell · 05/02/11 04:03PM

Have you, too, heard the sound of Rush Limbaugh patting himself on his gross back all afternoon? Because he sure pulled a quick one on the liberal media today! He opened his radio show by heaping praise on the president, even saying "Thank God for President Obama." Hey now... really?

Trump Congratulates Obama, Calls for Truce

Jim Newell · 05/02/11 12:31PM

It's perfectly understandable for the news media to divert its attention to the killing of Osama bin Laden for a little while. You kind of have to cover it, at least perfunctorily. But we must not let it distract us from the important issues facing the country. Is any reporter even jotting down whatever nutty stuff Donald Trump has to say today?

Mitt Romney Only Wants to Hang Barack Obama Metaphorically

Max Read · 04/30/11 02:43PM

This is a video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney telling an audience in New Hampshire on Wednesday that Republicans are "going to hang" Barack Obama—and then immediately catching himself. So you see: Romney only wants to hang Obama metaphorically. Which is, sad to say, a good thing, insofar as it's uhm, nice (?) to see a prominent Republican use racially problematic language by mistake, and not in a deliberate, cynical pandering strategy. And he actually seemed pretty embarrassed! Mitt Romney 2012: Not a Completely Cynical Scumbag. [via TPM]

Barack Obama Gives Wingnuts a New Pastor to Hate

Jim Newell · 04/29/11 02:30PM

Conservative pundits have been known to give President Obama crap for not going to church. It's part of why, if you're, say, Byron York, the president should only blame himself for the millions of morons who believe he's a Muslim. But when Obama does go to church, as he and his family did on Easter Sunday, he still ends up in a multi-pronged scandal. He didn't "do" Easter correctly.

Andrew Sullivan Loves the Release of a Good Document

John Cook · 04/28/11 03:05PM

Newsweek/Daily Beast celebupundit Andrew Sullivan really, really wants to see Trig Palin's birth certificate, thinks Obama should have released his earlier, and has lots of righteous things to say about how real reporters demand to see documents. Funny thing—we're trying to get documents about you, Andrew! Care to help?

What's a Birther Day Without a Visit to Oprah?

Seth Abramovitch · 04/28/11 02:13AM

Just hours after excoriating the "carnival barkers" who corral the gullible into darkened tents for a fleeting glimpse of "Obama: The Man Raised by Kenyan Wolves," the president found himself inside another kind of sideshow entirely: The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Hitler 'Stache Graffiti Sparks Police Crackdown

Jeff Neumann · 04/27/11 04:11AM

Drawing Hitler moustaches on subway movie posters, yearbook pictures and images of Barack Obama is a time honored tradition in America. But in Britain, drawing one on a Conservative politician's campaign poster can turn a tiny, quiet hamlet into a police state. At least that's what happened to Pitcombe, Somerset, after one appeared on a likeness of Conservative councillor Mike Beech in the village and he called police to cry about it.