
Barack Obama Drops His Phone: A 3-Part Odyssey

Maureen O'Connor · 05/16/11 03:57PM

Arriving in Memphis to give a commencement address today, the leader of the free world dropped his Blackberry. Then he picked it up again. No casualties reported, other than the poor sap at The Daily Mail forced to squeeze a 500-word article out of it. [Daily Mail, images via Getty, AP]

Obama Still Enjoying Post-Assassination Popularity Boost

Jeff Neumann · 05/11/11 07:36AM

The results of a new Associated Press-GfK poll are out, and President Obama's approval rating now stands at 60 percent — his highest mark in two years (attributed mainly to the return of independent voters and the capping of Osama bin Laden). Good news for Barack Obama! His standing also improved on national security, with 73 percent saying they trust him to handle the threat of terrorism. Meanwhile, we still get to enjoy that never ending clusterfuck called the War on Terror and will continue to for some time. Yay, us.

Would a Moat With Alligators Solve Our Illegal Immigration Problems?

Jim Newell · 05/10/11 04:11PM

Barack Obama visited El Paso, Texas today to jump start the case for comprehensive immigration reform, yet again, as well as to make fun of Republicans. He mocks the party's ever-moving goalposts on border security, such as wanting more and more troops on the border and demanding an even "higher" fence. "Maybe they'll need a moat," he went on. "Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat." You mean we haven't even tried this yet? Well, now it's too late; alligator prices are through the roof these days.

U.S. Had Lawyers Ready for Bin Laden

Max Read · 05/09/11 11:19PM

President Obama had "two teams of specialists" at the ready after the Osama Bin Laden mission: "One to bury Bin Laden if he was killed, and a second composed of lawyers, interrogators and translators in case he was captured alive." (Or so "senior officials" tell The New York Times.) If he had been captured alive, he'd have been taken, in order "to preclude battles over jurisdiction," to a Navy ship — the U.S.S. Carl Vinson, most likely — where he would have been interrogated. (Even so, "the mission," officials say, "was always weighted toward killing.") The question remains: Did the interrogators have six-packs? Was there a dog with the lawyers? Did it have titanium teeth? Because otherwise, seriously, bo-ring. [NYT; image via AP]

Obama's Advice: 'You Do Not Want to Get Between Michelle and a Tamale'

Jim Newell · 05/06/11 11:47AM

President Obama made it back from Ground Zero yesterday just in time for a packed White House Cinco de Mayo party. He prepared for the crowd all sorts of Mexico-related jokes, for which the First Lady served as a useful prop at times. Mexican food is Michelle's favorite, Obama said, adding that "you do not want to be between Michelle and a tamale." Not that she's fat or anything, he hastily adds — she exercises, too! Oh, to be a prop wife.

Security Scare at Obama's Ground Zero Ceremony

Jim Newell · 05/05/11 03:59PM

New York City police officers tackled and took away for questioning a "suspicious man" outside Ground Zero today, where President Obama was leading a wreath-laying ceremony. The man was walking his bike towards the World Trade Center area and saying, "Secret Service, Secret Service coming through," after which cops tackled him and searched through his messenger bag. And according to the New Jersey Star-Ledger, "witnesses say may have pulled a gun out of a backpack as President Barack Obama's motorcade passed."

David Koch Doesn't Give 'Hardcore Socialist' Obama Credit for Killing Anything

Jim Newell · 05/05/11 02:55PM

David Koch, the right-wing billionaire who funds much of the Republican party's ideological activities and whose towering persona makes for effective left-wing performance art, gave a rare public comment to New York magazine at some gala or another last night. Does he think the president deserves any credit for the Osama bin Laden mission? Of course not! Socialists don't deserve a farthing's worth of credit for anything.

Birthers Do Respond to Hard Evidence

Jim Newell · 05/05/11 01:35PM

Some considered President Obama's decision to release his birth certificate last week a fool's errand, since those who didn't think he was born in the United States wouldn't ever respond to more definitive evidence. It still may have been a silly argument to engage — that press conference of him showing his papers will always seem beyond surreal, if not plain depressing. But now a whole 70 percent of Americans believe he was born in Hawaii! You know what that means: This issue is coming dangerously close to something that we'll never have to write about again.

Obama Lays a Wreath at Ground Zero

Jim Newell · 05/05/11 12:53PM

Here's President Obama's relatively subdued appearance at Ground Zero, where he laid a wreath to honor the victims of 9/11 and then chatted up a nice police officer. No soaring speeches today, it seems. Before the ceremony he stopped at a local firehouse, and now he's meeting privately with 9/11 victims' families.

Is George W. Bush Irked Today?

Jim Newell · 05/05/11 12:03PM

George W. Bush turned down an Obama administration invitation to appear by his side at Ground Zero today, claiming he wants to stay out of the spotlight and that he already plans to be there for the 10th anniversary memorial in September. Fair enough! But this doesn't mean Team Bush won't leak bitchy comments to the Daily News just in time for Obama's visit, anyway.

Stephen Colbert Chronicles the Politicization of the Bin Laden Kill

Matt Cherette · 05/03/11 11:39PM

It's only been about 48 hours since President Obama announced that the US had killed Osama bin Laden, and the issue has already been politicized. From Rush Limbaugh's faux congratulations for Obama, to conservative pundits crediting President Bush for the operation, it seems like things are back to politics as usual.

Bush Won't Go on Ground Zero Date With Obama

Max Read · 05/03/11 10:33PM

Former President George W. Bush declined President Obama's invitation to hang out with him at Ground Zero on Thursday, saying through a spokesman that he "appreciated the invite, but has chosen in his post-presidency to remain largely out of the spotlight." Obama is visiting the World Trade Center site to meet with families of 9/11 victims and buy one of those "Go SEALs!" t-shirts; he extended the invitation to Bush after the guy from Five for Fighting Tweeted about it—and we all know how much Obama loved "Superman." [NYT; image via AP]

Here's Your First Big Obama Poll Boost

Jim Newell · 05/03/11 12:37PM

The first quickie poll of President Obama's approval rating since the killing of Osama bin Laden is in, and the predicted boost is definitely materializing.

White House to Release Osama Bin Laden Death Photo

Adrian Chen · 05/03/11 09:52AM

Two days after Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, he remains dead. (As far as we know.) A photo is likely forthcoming, as U.S. intelligence pores over Osama's hard drive.