
Mexico's Bloody Summer: Drug War Spins Out of Control

Jeff Neumann · 06/19/10 01:07PM

It was a bloody week in Mexico. On Monday alone, 96 people were killed in drug related violence, and yesterday police found 12 decomposing bodies inside a cave in Cancun. It could easily get worse.

Does Obama Have a 'Secret Plan' to Price Carbon?

Jim Newell · 06/18/10 12:52PM

Many liberals were upset with Barack Obama for not using Tuesday's Oval Office address to pressure the Senate into passing a cap-and-trade system or carbon tax. But may he have a "secret plan" in the works, as some are suggesting?

Stephen Colbert Dumbs Down Obama's Oil Spill Speech

Matt Cherette · 06/17/10 10:57PM

Today, CNN reported that President Obama's Tuesday address failed because it was written at a 10th grade level and, therefore, too smart for us idiot Americans. Tonight, Stephen Colbert dumbed it down in the most hilarious way possible. Video inside.

C'mon, Give Barack Obama Some Credit For Making BP Pay

Jim Newell · 06/16/10 04:13PM

The weak, spineless worst president ever, whose abysmal speech yesterday eliminated any hope for American prosperity for countless generations, is such an evil corporatist that he's... found a way to make BP pay claims. Will he ever "show leadership"?

Jon Stewart Blasts Obama for War-Related Lies, Broken Promises

Matt Cherette · 06/15/10 10:26PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart called out President Obama for not only not living up to his campaign-era promises to reverse many of the Bush Administration's war-related human rights policies, but also attempting to introduce new, even more harsh ones. Video inside.