
Flora and Obama

Brian Moylan · 08/24/09 05:41PM

[President Barack Obama looks for his ball in the woods today at the Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vineyard. Image via Getty]

Lindsay's Break-In, Blaine's Brush With Death

cityfile · 08/24/09 06:08AM

• Lindsay Lohan's troubles continue: Last week, the cell phone she left behind at a bodega in NYC prompted her to call the cops; now the police in LA are investigating a break-in at her Hollywood Hills home, which her family now says may have been an inside job. [People, TMZ, NYP]
David Blaine's magic skills have turned a bit rusty. Although he was told not to go swimming in the ocean on account of Hurricane Bill, he jumped in the water at Necox Beach in Watermill anyway. And instead of magically transporting himself to safety, a couple of lifeguards had to go and rescue him and a few of his friends. [NYP]
• Ryan Jenkins, the reality show contestant wanted for murdering (and dismembering) his ex-wife, Playboy model Jasmine Fiore, was found dead of an apparent suicide yesterday. [AP, TMZ]

John Bolton's Foul, Dark Spider Hole

John Cook · 08/21/09 03:22PM

Walrus-creature and war-monger John Bolton used to be undersecretary of state for arms control and international security. Guess what the new folks found when they moved into his old office? A dank and moist dungeon, that's what.

Your Sleepy Summer Outrages

John Cook · 08/20/09 04:55PM

It's August 20th: our RSS feeds have slowed to a crawl and everyone else is at the beach. But the political-media outrage machine carries on. ABC's Jake Tapper, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan, Touré and Malcom X all need a vacation.

This Week In Depressing Polls

Pareene · 08/19/09 03:32PM

When there aren't elections going on, the only thing pollsters can poll is "how fucking nuts is everyone, anyway?" Hey, look, a new Birthers poll!

Town Hall Crazies Go Through the Ideological Rabbit Hole

John Cook · 08/18/09 04:18PM

Unalloyed xenophobic rage presents a challenge similar to one posed by habitual lying—just as it's hard to keep up with one's own falsehoods, it's difficult to remember whether shouting "Heil Hitler!" at a Jew is good or bad.

Obama 'Joker' Artist a Palestinian Arab from Chicago

The Cajun Boy · 08/17/09 11:31PM

You know those posters of Obama looking like the Joker from Batman with the word "socialism" underneath? The creator of that creepy image has emerged, and it's not some "real" American from a red state. Far from it.