
Duck Ringtone Interrupts President

Pareene · 06/29/09 04:25PM

In the middle of a speech today on, uh, Gay Rights maybe, President Obama was interrupted by a duck. It was someone's ringtone, apparently.

Is Honduras' Military Junta The Hot New Revolution?

Foster Kamer · 06/28/09 11:00AM

While you're out this morning at brunch, mumbling semi-coherent thoughts about how amazing the citizens of Iran are, people somewhere will be fighting for change, actually doing something to alter the course of history! Nope, not Iranians. Hondurans! Viva?

Back at Work, Albeit a Little Worse For the Wear

cityfile · 06/22/09 11:28AM

Hillary Clinton broke her elbow last Wednesday at the State Department and underwent surgery on Friday. Today she canceled plans to travel to Italy and Greece for a series of meetings on Iran and the Middle East since she's still recovering from surgery. Clinton's injury, however, didn't stop her from putting on a brave face and appearing at the White House today for meetings with President Obama. Nor, it seems, did it stop the president's official photographer from snapping photos of the injured secretary of state and uploading them to Flickr either. [White House@Flickr, Washington Post]

John Hodgman's Broadcast Correspondent's Speech: Obama Is The First Nerd

Foster Kamer · 06/20/09 12:30PM

John Hodgman nailed an utterly hysterical speech to President Obama at the Radio and Television Correspondents dinner yesterday, slagging on media for a while, before hopefully designating Obama as our first nerd president. Obama's Vulcan salute after the jump.

All Drudge Reads Anymore Is the Headline

John Cook · 06/19/09 12:50PM

Matt Drudge linking to a story about Obama's personal doctor criticizing his healthcare plan, which is funny and fits perfectly into the right-wing anti-Obama narrative of the terrors of "socialized medicine." Except Obama's doctor actually wants socialized medicine. Whatever.