
Geez, I Gotta Stop Standing Next To Ryan Philippe ... I'm Getting A Complex

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/11/08 05:15PM

A VIP host at the Venetian Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas made a quick phone call to reinstate his gym membership after hanging out with actor Ryan Phillippe poolside this weekend. The host was overheard as to have said, "I know that I canceled my membership three weeks. I know that ... Well, I just spent the last twenty minutes staring at the glistening abs of Ryan Phillippe ... He was in a bunch of movies ... Yeah, he was married to Reese Witherspoon ... Great guy, but you try standing next to him when he's not wearing a shirt ... Exactly ... Cool. Personal trainer. She's going to be hot, right? I mean, you can tell me. Okay, cool. See you tomorrow then."

Signore Clooney, Signore Clooney! Stop, Please Check Out My Spec Script!

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/11/08 11:00AM

While out burning rubber with his motorcycle gang in Italy, popular actor/director/producer George Clooney was hounded by an aspiring writer. The writer had been waiting for face time with the Oscar winner for nearly four days, during which time she completed four rewrites of her blockbuster script. The woman described her spec as Mad Men meets Silent Running by way of Judd Apatow and believed it to be the perfect vehicle for the Cloonester. The woman said, "Nobody has pushed the limits of the science fiction genre quite this hard and I think George is the perfect individual to bring this unique vision to the screen." Clooney instructed the woman to leave a copy of her script at a nearby coffee bar and he'd pick it up right after his ride.

What's In The Box? Mark, What's In The Box?

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/08/08 02:20PM

Outside of Matuhisa, Mark Wahlberg managed to confound as well as entertain a large group of onlookers when he appeared with a mystery box. Some assumed that Wahlberg's box contained leftovers, but The Happening star quickly denied those accusations. Then Wahlberg began to painfully toss the box into the area as he did a singsong chant of "it's something real cool." After a few minutes of the taunt, a man yelled, "What's in the baaaaahxxx? What's in the box?" Wahlberg opened the box and revealed that it contained the DVDs for The Happening.

Zach Braff Feels All Alone

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/07/08 12:25PM

In a scene eerily similar to the film Garden State, Zach Braff started to feel alienated from the crowd at LAX. As Braff headed toward the exit, the crowd started to slowly blur into a sea of shapes and figures. Braff said, "It made me feel like I was really alone in the world. You know, that it was just me with the problem and everybody else was fine and normal." It didn't help Braff's demeanor any when he got a phone call and realized that his mobile phone still defaults to an Imogen Heap ringtone.

Now, How Did Ben Affleck Do That Again?

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/06/08 03:25PM

Looks like Liv Tyler should've asked her Armageddon co-star Ben Affleck for some tips on how to tip on the DL. While at LAX on Tuesday afternoon, Tyler attempted to slide the tip into the skycap's pocket, but the skycap mistook the gesture for something a bit more forward. Tyler explained that she was trying to tip him and didn't mean anything by it. The skycap smile and said, "You could just give it to me. No need to be a Sneaky Pete about things."

The Subtle Art Of Tipping

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/04/08 02:20PM

Hollywood triple threat Ben Affleck must be looking to add another talent onto his resume as he displayed his undercover tipping skills. Affleck did not want to make a big spectacle out of tipping the limousine driver in front of the camera, so he decided to slip it into his coat pocket. Affleck said, "I'm going to tell him to check his pockets once he drops us off. I think he's going to be happy with what he discovers." Affleck picked up the move from a rerun of Friends he saw while on his trip and plans on using the trick very often in the near future. Affleck said, "If you see the Benster, you better check your pockets cause you may find a very nice present."

So, Did You Apologize To The Writers Yet?

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/30/08 11:45AM

Seeking an escape from the wall-to-wall coverage of the Great Earthquake, Grey's Anatomy amigos T.R. Knight and Katherine Heigl engaged in a bit of retail therapy at the Americana in Glendale. Knight and Heigl felt that new shopping center was a lot like the Grove, but with fewer tourists. Sensing a lull in their conversation, Knight asked if Heigl had sent an apology bouquet from Edible Arrangements to the writers yet. Heigl shook her head and said that she couldn't decide on which one to send. Knight thought the right approach would probably be to just send all of the arrangements.

Looks Like I Picked The Wrong Time To Upset The Wife

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/29/08 11:15AM

Balthazar Getty anxiously paced the arrivals section of LAX on Monday. The Lost Highway star said that usually his wife picks him up from the airport, but since all the recent nastiness involving Getty and British bicycle Sienna Miller, she might be getting some revenge on him by leaving him stranded. Getty said, "What's that line from Airplane? Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue? Well, replace 'glue' with 'cheating on my wife' and that about sums this situation up." Getty paced around awhile before hopping on an Enterprise Rent-A-Car shuttle.


Douglas Reinhardt · 07/25/08 11:30AM

Steve Guttenberg launched the initial shot in the seventeenth annual Upper West Side food fight in New York City on Thursday afternoon. Although, it appears that the Cocoon star appeared to be the only participant in the weekend long food fight. After pelting him with a banana, Guttenberg told the photog that he was "It" and now had to tag somebody else before the weekend was finished. While the food fight has been going on for seventeen years, Guttenberg has high hopes that this will be the event's breakout year. Guttenberg said, "The past few years, it's just been my agent and myself throwing Girl Scout Cookies back and forth at each other. This year, I think we can do better than that. I know that we can do better than that."

Wilson To Ronson: 'You're Doing It Wrong!'

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/24/08 06:30PM

At LAX today, Anaconda star Owen Wilson wanted to show the fedora wearing community the proper way to use the latest fashion accessory: block your face from unnecessary exposure and photographs. Wilson felt that hat fanatic Samantha Ronson had been wearing her fedora improperly as of late. Wilson added, "Sometimes, you don't feel like having your picture taken and that's where the hat comes in. Throw it over your face and just carry on with your life." Wilson suggested that if Ronson was having issues with her hair then she should do what he does. Namely, either wear or carry an additional hat all the time. Wilson did say that the hat wasn't actually his; it belonged to his good pal, Woody Harrelson. Wilson said that the hat had a funny smell to it and wasn't sure if he would be able to get it through customs.

Mr. T Still Has It After All These Years

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/24/08 05:35PM

Sporting twin bandoliers filled with Snickers bars, 80s icon Mr. T recently resurfaced on the Australian arm wrestling circuit. Inspired by the Sylvester Stallone film, Over The Top, The A-Team star sought out the roughest, toughest, meanest arm wrestling scene in all of the world, which lead T to the land Down Under. Mr .T said, "I pity the fool that thinks M.M.A. is tough. Arm Wrestling is where it's at. People wrestling for real life things like children and Snickers bars."

Oh, So That's Who The Boss Was!

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/24/08 03:20PM

During a down moment on the New York set of Ugly Betty, American Ferrera asked her co-star Judith Light a question that had been bugging her for years. Specifically, she wanted to know who actually was the boss on the popular 1980s series of the same name. Light fondly reflected on the series and explained to Ferrera that the title was a merely a metaphor for how we're the boss of our own destiny and fate. Ferrera nodded and asked Light if her character on the show was the boss of the character Tony Micelli. Light said, "Oh yeah. I mean, she signed his paycheck. She was the boss."

Cantankerous Old Man Tells Heigl & Friends To Get Off His Property!

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/16/08 12:15PM

Bride Of Chucky star Katherine Heigl and husband/rocker Joshua Kelley ran into a bit of trouble with an old man while on way to the Coldplay concert. The commotion began when Heigl made a stop in an Los Angeles area neighborhood to pick up an friend. As soon as she stepped out of the car, Heigl was greeted by paparazzi and fans taking pictures. The old man, reportedly named Mr. Johnson, came out storming out of his 2 bedroom ranch when the flashbulbs and clamor made it nearly impossible for him and his wife, Gertrude, to watch America's Got Talent. Mr. Johnson told Heigl that if she didn't leave by the count of ten, he would turn the hose on them. A panicked Joshua Kelley grabbed Heigl and headed into the car, explaining that he didn't want to get his hair wet.