
Trader: 'I Go To Bed Every Night and I Dream of Another Recession'

Jim Newell · 09/26/11 04:00PM

Here's a pretty remarkable interview with independent stock and forex trader Alessio Rastani on the BBC this morning, in which he's either being perfectly candid about how traders are viewing the Eurozone crisis, or he's just trolling. Anyway, he's a sociopath.

Fortune Stabs Forbes

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/11 02:15PM

In your mercenary Thursday media column: Fortune this round from Forbes, layoffs at the LA Times, a BBC reporter is killed, the NYT turns to Groupon, Al Sharpton is pushing it, and new journalism grows from the cracks.

BBC Scotland Is Having a Bad Day

Max Read · 06/18/11 04:16PM

You know those days where nothing seems to go right? And nothing you do seems to fix the problem? BBC Scotland is having one of those days, poor thing. It's okay, guys! No one knows what Rudolph Hess looks like, anyway. And who cares about the weather forecast? It's Scotland! The forecast is: Cloudy! With a chance of fried stuff!

The Shocking Treatment for Girl Who Can't Close Her Mouth

Brian Moylan · 04/05/11 11:22AM

The BBC show Bizarre ER featured a college student named Holly whose jaw got dislocated after a very vigorous yawn. While being stuck with your mouth agape is pretty horrifying, you'll never believe how doctors got it closed.

Pregnant TV Host Farts and Giggles on the Air

Maureen O'Connor · 02/04/11 02:55PM

BBC host Myleene Klaas farted audibly on the live National Lottery TV show on Wednesday evening. Immediately after ripping ass (unless it was a loud belly rumble?) she breaks into a wide grin and giggles. Off camera, another host chortles.

An American Perspective on Law & Order: UK

Ajay Mehta · 01/15/11 05:30PM

From the Brits at the BBC comes this ridiculous clip of Law & Order: UK. The show happens to cover all of our common stereotypes about our friends across the pond, from their intense politeness to their obsession with tea.

My Blackberry Doesn't Work

Christopher Han · 12/27/10 12:30PM

A sketch from the show The One Ronnie on BBC that features our favorite hand-held, fruit-named devices; the Blackberry and Apple. The question is, how many puns can they fit inside?

Watch a Visualization of 200 Countries' Health, Wealth Over 200 Years

Matt Cherette · 11/29/10 05:21PM

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that life expectancy/income across the world was less in 1810 than in 2010, but how—and where—did the statistics tick up over time? In this stunningly visual presentation, Hans Rosling explains.

What a Generic News Report Looks Like

Christopher Han · 11/21/10 11:30AM

Look familiar? The good folks over at BBC Four made a spot-on parody of what pretty much every news report looks, feels, and sounds like. It's wonderfully meta.. cheeky, actually.