Would Elizabeth Warren Have Beaten Hillary Clinton?
Alex Pareene · 02/02/16 12:16PMHillary Clinton Officially Wins Iowa Caucus
Ashley Feinberg · 02/02/16 11:20AMMark Ruffalo Violated Campaign Finance Law
Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/02/16 09:28AMEither the Iowa Caucuses Are Too Complicated or We Are Too Stupid
Brendan O'Connor · 02/02/16 01:10AMHillary Clinton Wins Iowa Precinct On Coin Toss
Jordan Sargent · 02/01/16 10:26PMYour Guide to the Democratic Iowa Caucus Hell [Updating]
Brendan O'Connor · 02/01/16 08:58PMIdealists Won't Vote for Idealistic Candidate Because He Can't Win Because They Won't Vote For Him
Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/16 10:15AMBernie Sanders' Campaign Reportedly Raised $20 Million in One Month
Melissa Cronin · 01/31/16 04:05PMClinton Campaigners Being Trained To Push Unconvinced Voters To Poor Ol' Martin O'Malley
Melissa Cronin · 01/31/16 10:08AMThe Curse of Peggy Noonan Descends Upon Bernie Sanders
Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/16 09:30AMBernie Sanders Aides Accused of Posing as Union Members to Access Hotels in Las Vegas
Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/28/16 05:01PMBernie Sanders, Supposed Populist, Has Been Treated For Gout, the "Disease of Kings"
Alex Pareene · 01/28/16 01:48PM
Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is in “very good health,” according to a letter from the attending U.S. Senate physician. But there’s one fact in Sanders’ health history that belies his image as a maverick populist unbeholden to monied interests: Sanders has been treated for gout.
Bernie Sanders Doesn't Give a Shit About God
Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/16 01:30PM"The Case Against Bernie Sanders" Is Dumb
Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/16 10:19AMSanders Campaign Event Closes Birmingham Warming Station on Coldest Night of Year So Far
Brendan O'Connor · 01/19/16 12:21AMGawker and Jezebel's Democratic Debate Liveblog: Bernie vs Hillary vs That Other Guy
Sam Biddle · 01/17/16 10:57PM
The Communist Party of the U.S.A. is holding a debate tonight, pitting new nemeses Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders against one another as handsome man Martin O’Malley just sort of stands there and watches. We’re “liveblogging” the whole painful thing with our friends at Jezebel right here so you don’t have to watch.
Bernie Sanders: Gun Control Should Not Be a Political Issue
Brendan O'Connor · 01/17/16 09:45PMAt the Democratic debate on Sunday, Bernie Sanders gave a very bad answer to a question about his gun-control record. After reminding everyone that he has a D-minus voting record grade from the NRA, Sanders said, “This should not be a political issue. What we should be doing is working together.”