
Do We Really Even Need To Caption This? · 10/23/08 11:00AM

There are no words. Just the feeling of a pileface chill running through my body. Spencer's shirt: “Vote Palin For VP: God, Guns, Glory." Heidi's: “Read My Lipstick: Vote McCain-Palin.” Who needs campaign funding when you have these two? I don't care whose side you're on, I think we can all agree it's just smart campaign strategy. TAKE A RIDE ON THE TWATWAFFLE EXPRESS, AFTER THE JUMP! (via Gossip Girls)

POP CULTURE COOKBOOK: The Nights in Rodanthe Hangover · 10/15/08 08:51AM

(ED NOTE: When she’s not busy fetching us the coffee and trucker pills necessary to keep you people entertained, our own Intern Emmy is hard at work on the world’s first Pop Culture Cookbook, which I guess is a catalog for recipes that you can’t eat, but are still great for entertaining. Anyway, she’ll be dropping in from time to time to share them with us.)Ingredients 1 gallon MILF 1 gallon DILF 1 weekend that will change their lives forever You Will Also Need: 1 soaring rock ballad. SOARING. 1 mid-life crisis 1 cup escapism Tissues Cooking Directions 1. Suspend disbelief and combine ingredients 2. Simmer over well-kindled romantic flame 3. Try not to think about your parents doing it 4. Demand refund (photo via Getty)

…OF THE DAY · 10/15/08 08:51AM
  • ALL THAT NO ONE WANTS: Ace Of Base will release a new album in 2009, along with a Greatest Hits compilation and a world tour. Now with the Backstreet Boys' comeback, the New Kids' comeback, and this album, 1990-2010 will be a palindrome. (Dlisted)

Despite The Best Efforts Of Viacom, 'Friday Night Lights' Gets Picked Up For Another Season

Mark Graham · 03/06/08 02:20PM

The perenially ratings challenged yet highly adored Friday Night Lights has been on life support ever since the WGA Strike shut production down on the show's second season. First, Peacock Emperor Ben Silverman gave the show the Diss Of Death ("Unfortunately, no one watches it. That's the thing with shows. People have to watch them.") in an interview with Radar. Then, the good people over at launched a spirited internet campaign in an attempt to save the show, only to be shut down days later by the shortsighted suits at Viacom. But just when it appeared that the guillotine was ready to fall, Nikki Finke is reporting that the show is set to be picked up for a third season, thanks to a unique partnership formed between NBC and DirectTV.

Did Vh1 Brass Kill Best Week Ever's 'Save Friday Night Lights' Campaign?

Mark Graham · 02/19/08 03:20PM

Less than two weeks ago, the staff of put together a spirited and inventive internet campaign whose mission was to convince NBC not to cancel Friday Night Lights. By all accounts, it seemed to be working well; not only did it receive a healthy amount of press coverage, was able to convince over 10,000 people to sign an online petition to save the show. However, over the weekend, all mention of the campaign mysteriously disappeared from the site's homepage. So we decided to do some digging.

Perez Hilton's Comedy Stylings

Richard Lawson · 01/22/08 05:00PM

World's most famous blogger Perez Hilton is now trying his hand at comedy, via Funny Or Die. The video (after the jump) is basically a ribald premature birth joke, and also contains a very astute ejaculation sight gag. I know, I know. Too sexy! [BWE]

Shrooms Will Make You Feel All Sexy, Kill You

Richard Lawson · 01/16/08 05:10PM

There's a new horror movie on the horizon called Shrooms. It teaches useful things like when "shroom season" is and how to use the terms "tenfold" and "dickface" properly. Thanks, Best Week Ever. Trailer after the jump. Maybe NSFW, if your boss is a narc.

mark · 10/01/07 03:57PM

VH1 executive Fred Graver, the Best Week Ever-birthing programmer responsible for realizing that the pop culture events of a single week could be obsessed over just as effectively as those occurring over an entire decade, is reportedly leaving the network. [Portfolio]